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How about just snakes?

Never been into snakes , but only if they don't bite , I guess . But spiders , no . Heard too many stories of people done in by them . One was a guy in advanced training in Panama . I guess Mother Nature has a cruel way of letting you know who's boss.

There are over 43000 species of spiders and app 100 deaths since the 20th century. There are
There are over 43000 species of spiders and app 100 deaths since the 20th century. There are
Swell , I'm app to develop that spider fobia . Arachnophobia ? I'm not afraid of my neighbors pit bull but I'm afraid of a little spider? Well , once had one crawl on me when under my jeep , I freaked and hit my head , crawled out in record time but never found the spider ! True story , you can't make this stuff up !
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What doesn't kill you makes you stronger… Except for bears. Bears will kill you.

Yes , that is definately true , when we survive , we learn from it. I remember bear hunting in New Brunswick , Canada in 1984 .
Your posted , all alone , 6-8 hours , just you , your rifle and what God gave you . Could go two ways . Long , boring day or successful hunt. Heaven forbid any worse. When your out in the wilderness , your in mr. bears house. He makes the rules.
That was a real knee slapper

Did you notice the guys leg trembling in the video ? Surprised he kept the camcorder stable. Ordinarily , the profanity would get censored , but I think that would be everyone's first choice of words if a bear just dashed up your tree stand in 3 seconds or less.
Goodmorning from paradise


I envy anyone who their day starts in daylight . I go to work in the dark and come home in the dark to. It must be nice to keep daylight hours.