Killer drifting driver to be beheaded


Staff member
A Saudi court sentenced a middle-aged joy-rider to death by beheading for accidentally killing two people while performing a car stunt near the capital Riyadh, the Saudi newspaper Al Watan has reported.

A pastime known as "drifting," in which drivers make their cars spin and skid at high speed, is popular among Saudi men with few options for entertainment in a conservative kingdom where cinemas do not exist and mixing between unrelated men and women is forbidden.

Al Watan reported that the defendant, which it said identified himself as "Mutannish" - "he who ignores" in Arabic, struck and killed two men while performing the thrill-seeking stunt and fled the scene before being arrested.

"The court of Onaiza handed down a sentence to kill the drifter 'mutannish' by beheading as punishment for his heinous deed and to deter others who tamper with the nation's security," the report stated.

Al Watan did not say when the sentence would be carried out. A Justice Ministry spokesman could not be reached for comment.
Saudi authorities have treated deaths resulting from acts of "drifting" as criminally negligent homicides.

In 2005, a Saudi naval officer found guilty of killing three minors in a stunt-driving accident was handed a death sentence that was subsequently reduced to 3000 lashes and 20 years in prison, according to local media.

Saudi Arabia, which follows a strict version of Sunni Islam, does not have a written penal code and judges issue verdicts according to their own interpretation of the Koran.

Amnesty International has said that at least 82 people were executed in Saudi Arabia last year, many of them by public beheading.
- Reuters

What do you guys think of this? It sounds pretty extreme to me, but I didn't loose a family member.

The video is available online, and it looks alot like the rally car accidents you see every so often, where people are just too close to the track and they get hit.
doesn't sound too unreasonable when considering their lifestyle and government. to us, yea thats a little ridiculous.

luckily though, Saudi Arabia is becoming a little more lenient when it comes to freedoms and what not. hopefully soon they will have a written penal code and will establish guidelines to deliver punishment.
I've seen a bunch of those videos online and those guys are just ridiculously stupid. That said, the punishment does seem a little harsh.

I don't get it, was he on a track or just doing it cus he could?
I don't get it, was he on a track or just doing it cus he could?

It would appear to be either a track, or a closed section of road. The video was essentially this guy drifting by himself on a road with spectators looking on (i.e. road rally), then he looses it and goes into the crowd, then the cops come and everyone hauls it out of there (just like when cops bust street races here).
Kind of like this -

They have nothing else to do in that country so they do this on the city streets around traffic.