Kids say the darndest things.


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This evening I took my 5yr old on a little drive. We were trying to see how many different animals we could see. We passed a group of cows and a calf was running next to us. After we passed it my boy says "Well at least the jeep can go faster than a cow." I just had to laugh.

i always hated when they said

"why is that lady so fat?" in line at the supermarket. both of my boys did that one when they were 3 or 4
My son told me he was going to take a "hot Asian chick" to the school dance. He's in 5th grade.

Raising three kids was an adventure. I always liked when you ask them why they did something they always answer with the default..." I don't Know" ..............
clydethepirate said:
Raising three kids was an adventure. I always liked when you ask them why they did something they always answer with the default..." I don't Know" ..............

Oooh I hate that answer
Raising three kids was an adventure. I always liked when you ask them why they did something they always answer with the default..." I don't Know" ..............

To answer why they did it would require them to think before they did it. And you all know when we were young we didn't do a whole lot of thinking either.

My dad and I were in home depot when a biker man walked up behind us in the check out line. I (being 4 years old) was surprised to see a grown up the same height as me, so I pulled on my dads shirt and said, "Look dad, he just a little guy!!" When my dad replied "uh-huh" I didn't believe he actually saw him, so I repeatedly said it. Over and over.

I have to live down this story every time we're around family or friends.
clydethepirate said:
Raising three kids was an adventure. I always liked when you ask them why they did something they always answer with the default..." I don't Know" ..............

My 14-y-o now just says, "Oh, the usual..."
My oldest went with me to visit Grandma and he was sitting on the porch playing with his toy car when a Blue Jay flew up and started squawking at him. We heard "Shut up!" "Shut up!" and then he came inside and said "Grandma, can you tell your bird to shut up?"
my parents have a couple storys they tell me about stuff i said when i wa little, my dad took me to a baseball game once, one o his coworkers came with his family, i was sitting next to my dad and his friend mike and i kept looking at him and saying "hey! hey! you have a big nose." he says i said i reminded him multiple times thrue the night :/ i still feel like i have to apologize to this day


and another time i had just gotten home from my first day of school and walked out to see my dad who was working in the yard, he asked me how school went and i replied "i guess it was alright, but i wanna go to a school where there aint no book learning"... my poor parents, that was just a sample of what was to cone in the future, i just graduated this year and i feel like i owe more thanks to them than i do to myself

I remember once when I was flipping thru tv channels when my daughter was little and I stopped to watch the 3 stooges in black and white. My daughter said "Eww that looks like newspaper".
I remember once when I was flipping thru tv channels when my daughter was little and I stopped to watch the 3 stooges in black and white. My daughter said "Eww that looks like newspaper".

HA!!! That's funny. I would have never thought of that.

May be he found her at the hot asian massage parlor.
I go to the AMP near my place a lot since I fell off a tree and broke my right shoulder and left hip. I'd still be stuck in bed in major pain or on excessive drugs if I didn't. Not the "happy ending" kind unless you count being able to walk and work afterwards being happy!