Kansas Weather Does it Again....Part 2

Ok, so a few weeks ago, we were seeing mid-20's for low temps, and mid to upper 30's for highs. Yesterday, we shattered all kinds of records with 91 degrees here at home, while Wichita hit 86, the record high for the day and the record high temp for the whole month of November over the past 150 years that records have been kept.

Gotta love that Kansas weather!!

Please tell me you took the top off.....don't get many oppourtunities like that!

Upper 60's today 70's tomorrow and 40 on Sat here in South west Ohio. The top will be off for tomorrow!!
So, after setting records both Wednesday and Thursday, Friday got much cooler, only in the low 50's, and this morning was only 28 degrees when I left for work, with wind chills around 20. Crazy stuff, I tell ya!!:shock:
On Thanksgiving, we hit 75 degrees. It was a beautiful day. The weekend following it wasn't bad, around 60 degrees for the high. Monday sucked...cold, windy, drizzling and downright pouring rain at times, temps in the 40's. Today was 75 again. Tomorrow they're calling for the high to be around 40 at midnight tonight, and dropping down to the lower 20's and upper teens by late afternoon, 25-35 mph north winds, with a 40% chance of thunderstorms bringing freezing rain and snow!! Aye carrumba!!!!!!!!:shock:

Frost on the grass is getting more and more regular here. Winter is approaching. TC is happy.
That same system is supposed to hit here thursday or friday i think. Get me some heads up about how bad it really is. I hope the heater in my jeep doesn't break. The fall just isn't long enough...
Sounds like SE Kansas is going to get it worse. They're calling for quite a bit of freezing rain in a short amount of time. Coupled with the 35 mph winds, that's gonna wreak havoc on the trees and utility wires and poles. Bad thing is, they've been hit every other year for the past 6 or 7 years now!:(

We've only got about 50 or 60 more systems to winterize this year....one big push today before they get frozen and we might get through this year without any freeze damage, knock on wood.
we have been having 75-78 degree highs for about 10 days.
Tonight it all changes and we will have overnight low of 23 and high tommorrow of 34:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Snow and ice expected.
This ole' country boy is planning on staying in and keeping the wood stove hot.;)
Well the strom yesterday wasnt that bad...but the cold front that comes with it...it was 7 degrees last night with over 32 inches snow in the mountains

The freezing rain and sleet hit around 10:30 this morning, complete with thunder and lightning. It lasted on and off till about mid-afternoon. Now they're calling for 5-8" of snow by midnight Thursday. It's supposed to start early in the morning and last all day. I'll be up early doing snow removal, probably around 4 am when we hit the streets. We'll keep it up as long as the snow continues to fall, probably till 10 or 11pm. Hooo boy!
Denver got it last night. 6" of snow at my house. Very cold. High today around 20 degrees. Tonight? 0 degrees.

Thank goodness for electric blankets with warm companions.

But, oh my heating bill...

Denver got it last night. 6" of snow at my house. Very cold. High today around 20 degrees. Tonight? 0 degrees.

Thank goodness for electric blankets with warm companions.

But, oh my heating bill...
Seriously. My heater was all the way down at 65 degrees, and the damn thing seemed as if it was on all night.

And today, all of the amateurs were out on the streets driving either too fast or too slow. Took me almost an hour to get to school, during off peak hours. :cry:

Damn Denverites.
Seriously. My heater was all the way down at 65 degrees, and the damn thing seemed as if it was on all night.

And today, all of the amateurs were out on the streets driving either too fast or too slow. Took me almost an hour to get to school, during off peak hours. :cry:

Damn Denverites.

Oh, talk about amateurs! I was winterizing an irrigation system at an apartment complex yesterday when this guy comes out and hops into a lifted TJ right next to me. I complimented him on his Jeep, and he said he just bought it a few weeks ago. We chatted for a bit, then he said, "Now I'm gonna go have some fun on the ice!" I told him to have fun but be careful, and he said, "Careful? It's a Jeep, dude!" With that, he pulled out of his parking stall, gunned it through the parking lot, and tried to fishtail around a corner.....but the front tires didn't bite and he drove headlong into a tree at about 30 mph. His dumb head starred the windshield and the radiator was leaking pretty bad. I called 911 and stayed with him till EMS arrived.....another good Jeep killed by a dumb arse!:evil:
There should be an eligibility test before people are allowed to get Jeeps...

That cold front is going to be ripping through here today, after 3 days of outdoor work in t-shirts. It's 61 now, supposed to drop into the 40s and rain all day, snow on Friday...

The snow and ice, I can deal with, when I'm sweating in a t-shirt at the end of november, well, that's just wierd...

Mercy me! It started snowing at 9:30am yesterday. I went in to work to do snow removal at 10:30 am. I got home this morning at 11:30 am. 24 freakin' hours of nothing but pushing and throwing snow, and spreading salt!! I am so worn out!! I had a crew of 3 guys working for me, and we shoveled all the walks at the biggest hospital in Wichita, did 214 residential properties, 5 other business properties, and also bailed out 3 other crews that were lagging behind on both residential and business properties. In all, Wichita got around 4-5" of snow, not as much as they had predicted, thank goodness. We got 2" here at home. The first 6 hours were the worst, with winds up to 35-40 mph, and windchills around 0 degrees all day. You'd shovel 10ft of sidewalk, and by the time you got that far, the point you started was deeper than it was when you started! My crew started calling me "Sparky the Snow Man" because at one point, my beard and moustache were completely solid with ice!:lol: Dang that made for a long night.....I need some horizontal time now.