
New member
Hi eveyone. For those of you who don't know the hell I have been having with my new Jeep...read the post " My wet inside Jeep". Anyway, to make matters worse.... my town is flooding.... I went out to get gas in the drying out Jeep and GUESS WHAT???? This freakin' Jeep took a sh*! on me!!! I was one block from the flood area... literally... on my way to get staples to live on and this thing starts buckin'...stahlin'... carrying on and won't go anywhere!!! I am getting very nervous as there is bumper to bumper with people evacuating and whatnot!! I haven't been drivin stick that long.. so I ain't an ole pro or anything..... I managed to buck it off the road and in an alley.... sweatin...cursin.... cryin..... OH LORD. I hate this damn thing. Is this bad luck I am having an omen with this thing???? I am wondering... So I walk home past the flood waters ... and knock on neighbors doors to help me out as my Jeep is in low lying flood area.... do you think anyone would answer their door... You would have thought I was some religious nut knockin at the door. NO.. no help.. I call hubby crying who is 25 miles away downstream at work and he's like GET THAT THING TO HIGHER GROUND!! How would I do that, genius.. it's buckin and stahlin and if I get in that evacuation line of cars and stahl out... someone gonna rearrange ma face!!! I hung up and called my Daddy who said it's probablly all wet from being water logged in all this rain... go down and let it run for 20 mins. or so to dry it out. I ran it for a half hour and got it home.... now we just gotta stay outta the floods and I am up on a hill thank you GOD..... others aren't so fortunate. I hear it will be topping the flood of 1955 here.. that one destroyed out whole town.. cross your fingers for us.. and good luck to anyone else who is in the danger zone. I am going to walk to the bottom of the hill and take some pics. I will come back and post if I know how....thanks.

I hate to hear about the flooding.....prayers sent on that issue. I cannot help as to why your Jeep was not running right, but my guess is you got some water on the ignition. I cannot help with the top of your TJ either, but it looked like someone made a good suggestion about a gasket that could have been left off.
I took a walk to the bottom of our hill... here is what it looks like.....The little boy wading in the water went the entire length of the flood area in the water with some older boy... NOT very smart... but you can't tell kids anything. Here is a pic of this Jeep I love/hate....


That's some pretty bad flooding. Hope that things get better. Stick with it on that Jeep. I am confident that it is a problem that can be fixed. I had a '83 CJ7 and it had some leaks when I got it. Over time I was able to track them down and fix them. It's just a matter of finding where the water is coming from and then fixing it.

Now I understand why your e-mails are so "spirited".....you're a red head! I love red heads.......been married to one for ten years.

Keep your chin up and keep looking for that leak and you'll get it squared away soon enough.

Wow... what part of the country are you in? Pa maybe??
Yep, I am in eastern PA.....east of Reading in a little town called Birdsboro, where the Good Ole' Boys hang out......HEEEEHOOOOOO!:lol:
Abutterfly said:
Yep, I am in eastern PA.....east of Reading in a little town called Birdsboro, where the Good Ole' Boys hang out......HEEEEHOOOOOO!:lol:
we're right between Hanover and York... no flooding right now around here but it has rained like there's no end...

Deerhunter30 said:
Now I understand why your e-mails are so "spirited".....you're a red head! I love red heads.......been married to one for ten years.

X2, dated one for two years, would do it again in a heart beat.

Sounds like you got water in your distributor (this is caused by water hitting it and then condensating inside) or somehow got an tiny itty bit in your intake. Were you plowing through the water? This could have caused it if you were. See you got your soft top on :), hows that going for ya?
TwistedCopper said:
we're right between Hanover and York... no flooding right now around here but it has rained like there's no end...

Well whadda ya know... We're neighbors! So you are near Conicelli Deli , then.... yummy! Nice to know you are near.....next time I need a tow I will give you a holler! Just kidding......

I wasn't driving my Jeep at all in the nasty rain we had... I was busy bailing water out of it..... I only took it out that one time after the rain had stopped.. it was dry outside by then, except of course for the flood areas. I think it just took on some water sitting in the yard for all that rain. When I pulled out from the yard it was buckin' and carrying on. I stahled it at least 4 times on the way to get gas...and after I stopped for gas and started out again... forget it! It was like a buckin' bronc!!! It's fine now.. and sunny here. I took it out to good ole Wal Mart fer a spin.....it ran like a champ! I was thinkin' DAMN! I love this thing!!! Water? What water?! Until next time.......
OH, and I also picked up a Lynyrd Skynyrd Tshirt while I was out... HEEEEEHAWWWWW!!! We were leaving WalMart parking lot and I pulled out and cranked up the Skynyrd and my oldest daughter looks at me and says.. "Mom, you are gettin' weird...." I said "I KNOW!! It's this Jeep, darlin'..." 8)

You forgot to mention you were on your way to get GAS when it started bucking. You didn't have a blonde moment did you?
my 97 started bucking on me one day, just started flooring it just to make it go. it would just buck & backfire. check engine light came on, but luckily i had my trusty code scanner in the glove box. it was the upstream o2 sensor. if i turned off the ignition it would run good for about 2-3 minutes until the computer re-ajusted for the bad o2 readings & the it was rodeo time. i got it to auto-zone by shutting off the ignition every time it started bucking & restarted of another 3-minutes of go. replaced the o2 for a new bosch at the uto store & voila, just as good as new & now i get a good 40 more miles to a tank. btw, i had been getting random check engine lights for about a week before that for the o2, but they never lasted very long.