Just a note of Holiday cheer!


New member
Hi there hey there ho ho ho there. Just a stop in shout out to all of you to say a great big ol Merry Christmas from me to all of you! I hope each and every one of you have a great holiday and the best New Year ever. Tug

Good to hear from you Tug - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours!
Hey Tug, what's the word on a new Jeep? You found a new one yet? Hope you have a great Christmas over there on the other side of the state.

Still looking for a jeep and to be honest with not to much vigor! Working 72 hours a week getting the new business off the ground and rolling. But it is taken off real good. Hope to hire a couple of new employees after the first of the year to get a little time off. Need to find a jeep and do some serious carpentry around the house as well. Ever sence July 1 it has been all about makeing the new store happen. Paying off now, after a total remodle of the building and stocking of carhartt, rocky and Justin boots, full line of hunting fishing and animal feed and care we have it up and running. Full out firearms shop Black powder rifle shotgun handgun archery you name it. Full line trout and small mouth shope with top shelf shimano rods, Temple fork outfitter flyrods and more. Live bait with minnows worms and crickets. Off road dessil and Lp filling center coming in the spring, Farmers market in the spring covered outdoor archery range and so much more that my feet hurt just thinking about it.

I will post a few picks if I can remember how to do such things again. We call it Four Seasons Outdoor we also sell on ebay under the name fouroutdoor if any of you are ebayers. Love my job and never have to leave the county unless I am going to the doctor or something like that. The shop is out in the country and we are a TWRA Big Game check station so I get to see all the game as it comes in. Deer Bear Turkey ect.... being the friendly outfitter that I am I get some bennies like Meat on a reg basis. I eat wild game 2 or 3 times a week. This is a great thing. nothing like eating bear on a regular to make you feel all up on top of the food chain. hehehe

Any how after a couple of years truck driven on the road, being close to home and a five mile drive to work is a real pleasure. So if any of you wish to come this way and want to play jeep car driver in the east tenn woods just let me know and I will hook you up! again good holiday cheer to all tug

Merry Christmas Tug! Mud and I so wish we were going to be up in the Smokies for Christmas, but it looks like it's going to be a Louisiana Christmas for us. We got home for Thanksgiving and I am grateful for that- there is nothing in the world like seeing those mountains come into view and knowing your home is in there somewhere and you're almost there- I'm sure you know that feeling! Merry Christmas to you and yours.