Friends MEET


Brunch @ Hooters, Wheelin' all Day,
and you're posting @ 0400 'Dark',
Talk about Hardcore! :lol: :-D :lol:

Can't BELIEVE, you would post the
Pic of KENA geting a Better Flex
then I could, ,, LMAO :lol:

j---, Thanks for pushing this old
K-9 Team, further than we had
before. I thought I loved my
Jeep Before. Now, I know,
What Capable, means. :cool:

Texans, got hook up...

Jeepz Over Texas [addsig]

hands down I had the best time yesterday and I want to thankyou and kena.... :lol:
can you access the rest of the pics on image station?? If not i will e-mail you them //the pictures came out great and I can't wait to see yours..... :-D [addsig]

can you access the rest of the pics on image station?? If not i will e-mail you them //the pictures came out great and I can't wait to see yours..... jhiggins.

Yes Sir, no problems here!
Love the Pics of your OTHER
Rigs, Which one ya bring'ng
next time? :lol:
Jeepers, ya gotta check out
his album, forget todays ride,:-D
he has a vid of: Jeep WHEELIES!
Extreme :evil:

I knew I should have done the
1hr photo thing after the ride.
oh well, I'll post them this PM.

We will see that back wheel of
your's, hanging oh,,
4 1/2 - 5 feet in the air!!!

edited by: USMPK9, Jun 09, 2003 - 06:19 AM[addsig]


Glad to see you Texans getting together and going for it. Wish I was there. tug[addsig]

Well maybe one day tug we can all meet in the m iddle and have a good old time ................Sounds good USMPK9 I can't wait to see them have a good one...... :-D [addsig]

GREAT pics
I love to see the mods and the stockers, the YJ's and the TJ's. Everyone getting along. It does my old heart good lol.
It looks like alot of fun there...maybe something to look at for next years Jeepz get together ?

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]


As cool as those jeeps look...I think the cute dog in the driver's seat steals the show! :) [addsig]

As cool as those jeeps look...I think the cute dog in the driver's seat steals the show!
Thanks Noli, ''

That is KENA!!

We knew that once she beat "PaPa's" Flex,
how embarressaning.................. NOT....

I taught her , Everything she knows.
Yeah,,,,, RIGHT!. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Truth: I learn from Her.

and my friends who
I know from here
:cool: [addsig]

well the stocker put me to shame and so did Kena (the dog) but in all 5000 acres of fun and water and mud and sun and FRIENDS :cool: [addsig]


Looks like fun, hey jhiggins, I tought you were selling the YJ and bought a TJ, glad to see your wheelin the right one!!



Like I always say the more the marrier...Is that a word? :-?
Oh-well you get my drift ...... :-D [addsig]