Jeep Wave Standard Protocol

Sparky, I don't want this debate to get out of hand, but I disagree. I am a very stubborn person and do not accept change very easy either, but whether it be a SWB or other, I feel to keep the "Jeep Thing" alive, we must acknowledge the rest. Heck, I remember not too long ago, I was ridiculed for having a TJ. Sorry, but I wanted a Jeep and that's what was available at the dealership. I sometimes cuss the fellow Jeepers out when I wave and they don't return the courtesy, but I then think, maybe they were preoccupied or didn't notice me. I still continue to wave. On another note, We need to abolish this unwritten hiearchy that is apparent. I drive up to a stop light and you have a 4 inch lift with 33's and I have a 3 inch with 32's. The 33's tend to ignore the other or wait for the 32's to initiate the wave and then they may nod. Crazy. I have caught myself doing it also. We should all be happy that we meet a fellow Jeeper on the road and we should make them feel welcomed. After all, everybody doesn't know about the "Jeep Thing" and they will not unless we teach them. Take Care, KJ
There really doesn't seem to be any hiearchy around here, though. All SWB Jeeps wave with pretty much the same frequency, and it doesn't matter who initiates the wave.

Oh, one sad thing I've noticed lately, too......I happened to be following a PT Cruiser through an intersection and met a second PT. They waved. Within a few blocks, we had met about half a dozen more, and they all waved!!! (To each other, not me.) PT Cruisers are thick as flies on a cow's tail around here.
I wave at all SWB Jeeps whether lifted or not. Sometimes they wave back sometimes they don't. Doesn't bother me if they don't wave back. They may not have seen me.

All other Jeeps I'll wave at if they've done some mods to it or if they wave first I'll wave back. I'll never NOT wave if I see someone else wave first.
Around here, most of the locals wave to each other all the time (regardless of vehicle)........usually just a two-finger salute off the steering wheel. When they're driving Jeeps, I consider it a "Jeep Wave". Other than that, I wave all the time whether they wave back or not......any Jeep. I love Jeeps and that's enough for me.......perhaps they'll catch on.

That........or I was thinking of organizing all my Muslim friends and staging "Jeep Burning" protests!!!! Jeep Jihad!!!!!!!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

mud, you beat me to the punch. I was going to say where I was raised everyone waves at each other, Jeep, horse drawn cart, etc. Just a courtesy thing and it's usually a one or two finger flip up from the steering wheel. Oh, and usually not the middle one. LOL, Take Care KJ
KrazyJeeper said:
mud, you beat me to the punch. I was going to say where I was raised everyone waves at each other, Jeep, horse drawn cart, etc. Just a courtesy thing and it's usually a one or two finger flip up from the steering wheel. Oh, and usually not the middle one. LOL, Take Care KJ

Yeah, it's the same thing here around the homeplace, but not in Wichita. Here ya wave to everyone, because even if you don't know them, you know someone who does!8)
When I first got my Wrangler Mud (brother) told me about the wave. Wasn't real sure about it till I passed my 1st SWB & got my 1st wave. Get waves from about 90% of the SWB's here. A side note - about a year ago my daughter asked me if black people (I'm NOT racist - "black" was easier to type than "African-American") waved. I told her I didn't know, hadn't seen any driving Jeeps! Couple of days later was stopped at a light and another SWB stopped opposite me. Yep - got my 1st Afro-American Jeep wave! LMAO!!
Another side note - when Muds & my Dad was in the nursing home I went to visit & the lady behind the desk said she liked my Jeep. Said she was a fellow SWB Jeeper. She said she had taken hers to the stealership recently for some work and when she went to pick it up the guy at the service counter said "You must be here to pick up the Liberty." She replied (her exact words), "No, I drive a real Jeep - mines the Wrangler!" Please - I mean no offense to all you Cherokee, Wagoneer & Liberty owners. I just thought it was funny as ****!

Even though I do own a ZJ, I never waive at them. They are usually soccer mom's or clueless to why I waived at them. If I am in my YJ, I will waive at any CJ,YJ,TJ and modded XJ but never a ZJ. I think it is just to common to see a ZJ around here. A while back I did pass a seriously modded TJ that said "waive biaaatch" on the windshield. Thought that was funny.
MikeB said:
i agree with twisted, i dont bother waving at the XJ's unless they wave at me..... there's just too many mall cruisers and soccer mom's drivng those things

I bet there are just as many TJ, YJ and CJ owners that fit into that category as XJ, ZJ, WJ, and KJ owners... if you're going to wave, wave at all.. but dont be a bigot.
In las Cruces, due to the inordinant amount of Jeepers in that city, I got more waves there than anywhere when driving my XJ. I only wave to Lifted XJ's as well, due to the soccer moms driving the cherokees these days.

Sparky-Watts said:
Not to insult the non-SWB owners here, ...

a Cherokee, Waggy, Liberty, or other non-SWB vehicle bearing the Jeep emblem is not considered a "Jeep", in the truest sense of the word.

I don't wave to anything but "real" Jeeps
Damn those are some harsh words to many of us here, and wrong, too. Jeep's heritage may begin with the military Jeeps, but it goes much deeper than that. Their line was versatile from early on just as they should be today. I just wish they would build something to beat out GM's Hummer for a military bid. Yeah, I know - fat chance.

Ya know... There was a day when many folks wouldn't wave at a YJ because of the square headlights. Some didn't think they were "real" Jeeps. Now they are replacing their rusted CJ tubs with wrangler bodies, swapping their springs for YJ springs. Ironic, ain't it?

They learned to love, why cant U?


south442 said:
I wave at all SWB Jeeps whether lifted or not. Sometimes they wave back sometimes they don't. Doesn't bother me if they don't wave back. They may not have seen me.

All other Jeeps I'll wave at if they've done some mods to it or if they wave first I'll wave back. I'll never NOT wave if I see someone else wave first.
This is my take on the whole wave thing as well, to a "T".

I'll wave to a stock Liberty if it has so much as an aftermarket roof rack or something similar. Why not? It may fuel an early case of the Jeep bug!

But I think it a waste of time to wave to a stock XJ. Why make some Ms. Soccermom reach for her MACE? :purple:
We are Americans we all come from different ethnic and racial backgrounds, Jeeps are an American icon,one that has helped win wars, and created a society of people who love the JEEP and each other (hint hint sparky & TC). Some have SWB, LWB, Mail box's and others have bent tubes with Jeep body parts....All that matters is it is a JEEP, dont care if its a Willys, Bantam, Ford, AMC, yes even a Crysler YJ...Its a Jeep!.....In the words of Rodney King " Why can't we all just get along?". Do your part..WAVE!
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Agree, I try to wave at anything that Says Jeep. I would rather the wave stay synonymous with Jeeps before the Hummer folk take it away. Nothing towards Hummers or the folk. Just keep the wave Jeep.

TwistedCopper said:
Damn those are some harsh words to many of us here, and wrong, too. Jeep's heritage may begin with the military Jeeps, but it goes much deeper than that. Their line was versatile from early on just as they should be today.

They learned to love, why cant U?


I'm just relating my experience based on what other "non-jeepers" think of when they hear the word "jeep", not my own opinion. It may be harsh, you may see it as wrong, but it's the truth. That's how the majority of non-jeepers see it. When they hear the word "jeep", they picture a SWB Wrangler-style vehicle. I never said the rest of the Jeep line wasn't versatile, either. Hence my opening statement in that post.......I love Jeeps, plain and simple (just don't love the grocery-getters as much as the SWB's).8)
Sparky-Watts said:
I'm just relating my experience based on what other "non-jeepers" think of when they hear the word "jeep", not my own opinion.
Via the Vulcan mind reading trick mayhaps? :purple:

I think it is safe to say that not everyone thinks alike... thankfully. Getting an accurate assumption of people's collective thoughts is like trying to guess the number of marbles in a jar.

Sparky-Watts said:
I don't wave to anything but "real" Jeeps... I don't wave to any non-SWB models

For those of you :pray:"Real Jeep":pray: owners out here who refuse to lower yourselves to wave at us "carrying the Jeep label" posers...

Sparky-Watts said:
I love Jeeps, plain and simple (just don't love the grocery-getters as much as the SWB's).8)

remember that when my grocery-getter is pulling your SWB out of a hole....
Lets all just drink a cold beer, be happy , and WAVE!!!!!! There is enough fighting going on in the world, lets not infect this site with hate and discontent. We are Jeepers reguardless of what we drive or how we drive it.

Anyone up for some Hummer bashing?