Jeep History.


New member

Is there anyone I can talk to about adding a Jeep History to this site? Even if it is just a "History Links page". There is so much information out there that it would be great to have pointing at them for those of us that like to read and research.



I second the motion just make sure it
has pictures in it .....I like pictures... :-D [addsig]

Is there anyone I can talk to about adding a Jeep History to this site?

Yes Sir, Terry Mason.
Go members list and PM your thoughts.

I would also like to see an ACTIVE How to....
and a FAQ, maybe even site standards posted.

Seen the same sections on other sites.
Would be 100 times better with the
quality intel we have here at JEEPZ.

Drive on Elite.. Great Post.[addsig]

Not sure what you mean by History..but we do have a great search feature...just click on search on the left, pop in a couple of words..and it brings up all the posts with those words in it.

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]