jeep hard top

Texas Gringo

New member
We have a 92 & 93 Wrangler that came from the factory with 1/2 hard doors and soft tops with channels on the windshield for bikini tops. We need to go to hard tops as the woods are tearing the tops up. How and where do hard tops bolt on? Can we use the 1/2 doors with a hard top? If necessary we will leave the windows off.

You can use half doors with the hard top, but you need to be careful which uppers you buy. Standard YJ uppers have a square corner like this:


however since you have a hard top, you'll want one with rounded edges like this:


I can't remember how the windshield of a YJ attaches, but the main portion of the top is held on by 8-10 standard bolts. It's pretty straight forward.
yup, you remove that little channel the soft top slides into and the screw holes are where the hard top screws into. ours has a hardtop and is a 93.

you going to get rid of your soft top stuff? my wife wants the soft top for hers for the 10 months when its warm here. where in texas are you?

I'm in Seabrook the soft tops are in Louisiana may bring them back as we find hard tops.
wow, you guys are way up north :)

if you end up wanting to get rid of a soft top, let me know