Jeep CJ-5 Tub question


New member
I have a 1971 CJ-5 V-6 and am looking at a 1974 CJ-5 tub. My question is, will this tub fit my mounts or will major fabrication be needed to place it on my 71' frame? :???:

You should be fine. There were many changes between 1975 and 76 (the post 76 frame is wider in the rear than the older pre 76 frame). 1955 - 75 CJ5 frames are "essentially" the same. 1972 thru 75 are ~3" longer than the pre-72, in the engine bay section. The frame rails are the same distance apart, front to back.

Willys still sells tubs, and they list the tub as 1955-75 or 1976 & up
Willys-Overland Motors : Repli-Tubs