Jeep Car Alarm Questions

Howdy folks,

Well, I know car alarms don't really keep a car 100% safe. My car has been "broken" into a few times now, thankfully, only once did they cause any damage in terms of loss in things. I'm tired of really having to worry about where I take my car all the time, so I am looking for an alarm. Nothing big bucks. Just something to scare off any assholes looking to break into an easy target.

My question is, what kind of alarm do you use with your soft top? I'm not looking to get any crazy high-tech thing. I was looking at a "Commando Interior Motion Sensor" ( and alarm. Pretty good price. Everything should go for $35 including the siren.

So what do you use or recommend?


71 cj jeep hardtop

If everything in your jeep is junk no one will steal it right? hehehheh. I would think with a soft top you would just need something with a shock sencer. Just make sure it is from a good company. Also make sure your senser is not set to sensative or it will go off all the time and bug the neighbors. I have never put an alarm in my own car. I put a switch under the dash that disconects the ignition so no one could steal it. (that was in my IH scout a while ago) I don't worry about my jeep because there is nothing of value in it.
Confused as Hell!!!

I had an alarm with a 'proximity sensor' that worked great. People could stand next to it and they'd be ok but if someone stuck their hand in the open window it would warn with a series of beeps.

I recommend that highly. No need for the fancy voltage sensor, door unlock, truck open additions, just the proximity sensor and the siren. Usually comes with an ignition kill as well.
What's a juicebox???

That sounds like just what I am looking for. Perhaps you could give me a name of the system you used? Price?



FS:Mint white sides and rear soft white windows for TJ


In my opinion, Car alarms are fairly worthless noisemakers. I always lock up anything of valve in my Jeep, but I try to carry as little of that as possible.

If you want something to protect the Jeep from being stolen, there is a great DIY immobilizer system that you can make in several hours and works great. If you want the link, I'll go dig it up. The system cost me less than $30 to make.

-Nick :!:
Ok Ok

cheap anti-theft system... rig an on/off switch to the electric fuel pump.... no alarm, just drive a would be thief nuts.
New Leak, for me at least....

get one of these for your car.


If everything in your jeep is junk no one will steal it right?
No those little bastards will take anything!

Alarms have there pros and cons. I was a installer for years and always made it a point to tell my customers that alarms will not keep your car from being stolen or vandalized, they serve basically three purposes:

1. As a theft deterant, a potential thief would see that little LED blinking away, he would assume not to draw attention and simply move on to the next car
2. To alert you that there is a potential theft. I know when I hear my alarm go off, I go look at my vehicle to make sure it is alright.
3. A insurance deduction, why not, save money in the long run!

To make you car un-stealable, you need to interupt the tach wire off the coil under the hood with a toggle switch placed some where clever. Not under the dash, that is the first place people look! some where like in your glove box, or under your seat.

You can use a starter kill replay, and they work very well, but are easy to get around in a theft.

Rob, mine was a Python brand. I couldn't find the exact model after a quick Google search. I had it installed by my favorite car audio place and I think I paid around a $100.

Check out
my anti-theft device is to leave my jeep open to all and visable to everything. That way I don't loose a top while some punk is cutting my window trying to look in my back seat while the doors un-locked.


Cobra 120v power converter plugged into the lighter (or full time power lighter) and wired to the tub. Kill switch could be a pain to locate so that you don't shock yourself but I am sure that 120v through you body will surely make them think twice about grabbing the door again.

**It's not the volts that kills you . . . it's the Amps.**

L33TJ33P said:
my anti-theft device is to leave my jeep open to all and visable to everything. That way I don't loose a top while some punk is cutting my window trying to look in my back seat while the doors un-locked.

I am with you on this one. The only thing I keep in my CJ that is of any value are my tools and they are in a locked tool box behind my back seat. Also, it is usually covered with miscellaneous parts and junk. So it doesn't look like anything of value.

Then again, I am also in an area where there are all sorts of other pretty and expensive cars to steal from. Not some ratty looking CJ-7 with primer racing stripes. :D
Well, I have an alarm on my Jeep (Viper). I have it set to alert me only when my doors are opened. This will eliminate false alarms and will keep the neighbors happy. Of course it comes with a kill switch, but as far as proximity sensors, I do not have one, and I would really advice against one. All it is going to cause is false alarms. In my opinion, you just basically have to put everything of value in the trunk compartment (if you have one) whenever you leave your Jeep. I have a very expensive Alpine cd player , remote control and a bunch of cd's. Whenever I go to the store or when I park my Jeep at my apartment complex, I just simply put it in the trunk. Well, actually, I now simply lock it up in my custom made locking console (ammo box). It's great. Everything else, I just simply do not leave in my Jeep. Heck, I know how it is, my damn parking decal keeps on getting stolen at the university. I ended up just getting a paper tag that I can get replaced for free. Before I was having to pay $10 for each replacement. You just have to do what is best for you. -Al
but I am sure that 120v through you body will surely make them think twice about grabbing the door again.

Keep in mind though that in order for them to feel a shock, they'd need to be touching the electrified tub and ground (maybe they'd be barefoot?)

Also keep in mind that ALL of the electronic and electrical devices in the Jeep are grounded through the tub and frame, and I highly doubt they'd withstand 120volts AC :p.

-Nick :!:

Well I am one of those people that keep my doors unlocked when they are on. If their is anything of any kind of value in my 03 Jeep then I lock it in the glove box or the center councle. I would much rather someone take the loose change in my Jeep then cutting the top or windows and costing me $500 to replace them. Just a sugestion but do what you want.

And a question for everyone how many people look to see if someone is breaking in the a car when a alarm is going off in a parking lot.???

my roommate brian's (93bizzleYJ) radio got stolen at 1:30 in the afternoon , on a public , highly populated area and got away. guess thats what we get for livin in the ghetto. But i agree, open and visible is the way to go.

I never worried about anyone stealing anything from my soft top jeep because I thought I had nothing in it anyone would want,however when some punk decided to go for the crummy stereo they smashed up the dash to get it out. Made a big mess. Getting an alarm now, have a starter kill on it.
K K PSI GUY has a good point. With some slight fab-ing you could probably make a decent trunk cover. That way no one can just reach in and take anything, and it's pretty secure. JETSKI180 also makes a good point... Today's society will simply look away from a car alarm sounding off. I'm in the same boat with the rest of you though. I've had my crap taken or vandelized; in plain view, no less.

The proximity sensor is a wonderful unit, but the trick is to find one that's adjustible. There are many that are, but I have also seen some that have a fixed field.

My suggestion (however small it may be) would be to find an old security alarm out of an old RV or Dodge X-plorer. If you've ever seen one of these units, it has the pager feature that allows a person to be notified of a possible theft while not pissing off the people around the parking lot or neighborhood. That's just my $.02.
I agree with South442, if you want to get an alarm, get one with a proximity need to deal with door or window sensors or anything like that. That way, you can have the top off and it's still effective.

My jeep was broken into for the first time in 7.5 years last spring...guess what, the alarm was off. I do think alarms help deter the convenience criminal who will take something if it's easy, accessible, and will not draw too much attention...and that's the vast majority of thieves.

Alarms and even Locks serve only One purpose. They keep the Honest people, Honest. I don't care WHAT you have, if a thief wants what you have, he will take it.