Is your Jeep "Trail Rated" ?????


New member
For those of you with older Jeeps who are intimidated by the Jeep Liberty and the '05 Commander because of their badge, you can now join the group :lol:

I guess it's cool they're doing it, but jeez :roll:

I'm going to have to pass. I'm secure in my Jeephood/Jeepliness ;)


Jeep said:
The "Trail Rated" Badge on a Jeep vehicle is a signal that it has been designed to perform in a variety of challenging off-road conditions. All 2004 and 2005 Jeep 4x4s are Trail Rated by the Nevada Automotive
Test Center (NATC), the same 3rd party organization that tests vehicles
for the US Military and Border Patrol.

You might wonder if earlier models of Jeep 4x4s are qualified to wear the new Trail Rated badge. The answer is an unequivocal yes! That's because we've been using tough standards to test the capability of Jeep vehicles from day one. Now there's one universal badge for all Jeep four-wheel-drive vehicles.

To receive Trail Rated badging for a prior model year Jeep vehicle call: 1-800-925-JEEP (925-5337).

I can't believe that.

That's almost as big a waste of time as arguing politics on a Jeep board!

... almost.
Where's my phone !?!

Can I get one that says "Extreme Trail Rated"? How about one that just says "I'm not afraid to drive it into my yard (off-road) to wash it"? Ohh wait a minute......that's what "Trail Rated" means right?
I'm Mall Rated. Yesterday I did a speed bump that was from hell. Locked it in, picked a line and went for it......

Yeah, but now those badges will be put on YJs!!!!......and then the whole world will know it's just a bunch of crap.

J/K my square eyed friends :wink:
Thanks TC

I called today, on Sunday, a lady answered and she is sending me a badge. They will only send you one badge per person though.


They still doing this?

should get mine, wonder if my YJ is trail rated?
True Trail rating badges are built not bought...

Oh wait, it actually goes...

True Jeeps are built not bought.

Just Chryslers way of letting us modders know that they made their own badge!
temperature gauge sensor

I thought trail rated badges were the scratches down the side from tree limbs in the path. :?

RE: What do you WANT your Jeep to be....

Body damage is (or at least was and will be soon again) my trail badge.
Junkpile said:
Yeah, but now those badges will be put on YJs!!!!......and then the whole world will know it's just a bunch of crap.

J/K my square eyed friends :wink:

oh that was funny :roll: come on, ill meet you at tellico for an icebreaker run and we can get it on junkpile :twisted:
Not set up for that man, you'd kill me there......unless it was really wet. But I'll tell you what, meet me at the mud pit and I'll drag you farther than you could make it under your own power.

By the way, nice comeback :p

i bet you could... actually i know you could. wait till after this winter and i might have a fighting chance though...
To be honest, my junk couldn't even make it to the mud pit right you win there too. I just like talking crap :lol:

So i know its probsably funny, but i wanted a trail rated badge for my XJ, which is actually used for trails. I called and Jeep said the promotional is over 08-31-05, but they sent the left over badges to Jeep dealerships to give away. So i call around the eastern shore and long and behold no free badges, only ones you can BUY. Who else here thinks the dealership is selling the free Badges? Oh Well, i wanted onee, but i won't pay for it.