Is Your CJ a "Righty" or a "Lefty"?

We need more CJ, YJ, TJ "which is better" threads apparently you are bored ;-) :twisted:
I think somebody has been messing with your wipers. They are splined, so you should be able to put the wipers on the right. That doesn't fix the problem of the motor needing to run the other way. Maybe the wires are backward and so are your wipers.
It doesn't appear to disrupt the aerodynamic integrity though.

What wipers? I got tired of having to disconnect the wire to lift off the windshield frame so I took the one top mount electric wiper off. I think I will just order a set of people powered twist the handle models so I have wipers, but don't have to mess with the wires, or I could just go back to the now they work, now they don't vaccuum models.

Oh yeah what side did it park on. They stopped whenever you turned off the switch so theystopped wherever I wanted them to.
Ahhhh the things we have taken for granted so long. I to am a righty! tug

Hey Sully you could have save a trip by looking at your sig pic. hehehe Tug :wink:

I knew that......I just wanted to go outside...... :shock:
suggestions on 258 engine block heater?

My neighbor's CJ is a righty, and Whitey is a righty, so why are you a lefty Gadget? Does it have something to do with the "bubbacon edition" package?

I think if you pop the splined arm off the motor and rotate it 180 degrees you will be a righty too. I had always wondered why a few are like that and I figured it out when I was fixing mine. I thought you did it that way on purpose.
even if you spline them to fit that way at rest... the motor still has to rotate in the opposite direction, or you'll just push the wipers off the windshield

I think the motor only rotates in one direction, coming to rest at one particular point of its 360 degree rotation. The pivots of the wiper "transmission" or whatever its called cause the blades to reverse direction. At the extremes of the side to side motion, the motor is 180 degrees apart in rotation, so I think if you just move the arm that is on the splined peg coming out of the motor you can affect where they park. A 90 degree change would put them right in the middle. The way I understand them to work, the only way you can make them go off the windshield is to rotate each arm on its splined pivot point. I could be wrong.
I thought I was a lefty when I voted but then I remembered that when I leave them on the left they bug me so I run them to the right. When it is snowing I only make one pass so half right half left unless it is really snowing.