Is the Jeep wave dying?


Staff member
While driving this morning I passed 3 different Wranglers. I waved at each one of them, but didn't get any return wave. I've noticed this more and more lately, and I'd guess that about half of the Jeeps I wave at will wave back at me.

Anyone else notice this?

I know here in Colorado it is already dead.....has been since I moved back a year ago. I pass a ton of Jeeps everyday and no wave. I got tired of feeling like a dumba** by waving and not getting anything back so I stopped all together. :roll:
Here in Indiana, you get either get a wave or not depending on the "class" of the Jeeper. The "built", modded, or "old school CJ" guys wave at each other, but as your rig gets newer, then you apparently are less obligated to wave. I was sitting a a stoplight a while back, when a mom and her daughter rolled up. She was is a new 4-door, I in my old, rusty, lifted, home-built bumpered, D.I.Y. "Heep", and she, forgetting her top was down, commented to her daughter what a piece of crap mine was. I just waved, smiled, and rolled on knowing that mine was more capable, and will at least see some trails/dirt. I think for some of us, it's a life-style and hobby, for others, "It's a Jeep Thing", and apparently WE will never understand.
I'm in New England and I wave at every Jeep. Sometimes the newer JK's don't wave back. I'm a real Jeep guy 25 years now 7 Jeeps later. Don't give up.

I notice it more with newer JK especially the 4 doors.The only JK's that seem to wave back are modified or a rubi.

I did see a nice windshield banner on another Jeep.

"It's a Jeep thing! WaVe"

It seems it's the same thing every time they introduce a new body style. I had my CJ7 when the TJs first came out and I remember hearing from a lot of folks that the new TJ drivers just don't know about the wave, or they think their jeeps are better than yours because they're newer. Now, the TJs are old(er) school, upper-middle-class-suburbanites wouldn't be caught dead in one. Ahhh, but the new JKs, especially the 4-door, seems to be the new trend. Better even than an H3 ;0) (yes, that was tongue-in-cheek). When jeep comes out with a new body style, the JK owners will be asking why the new jeepers don't wave, and the cycle will continue.
I would say the majority of the JK drivers don't wave back, but I still wave. I also wave at any obviously modded Jeep vehicle and usually they wave back.
I think some of the problem with the 4 door JK is the owner.Some of them are 2 wheel drive grocery getters.Those people dont wave at all.

I agree with most of the responses above...most JK owners (4-door and unmodded, especially) don't wave. I have seen some older folks in unmodded TJ's who don't wave, too. But the new gen of 2wd 4-door wranglers has definitely altered the demographics of owners. Making 4wd optional on the 4-door was a horrible decision...won't be long before that's the case with 2-door models as well.

And I did have a guy in an early model Grand Cherokee wave at me first, today.

Some people get it, others don't. But it does seem to be a dying trend.
I've thought the same thing recently. Around here I'm usually the one to initiate the wave but only get a return about half the time. Less if it's a 4 door. Sometimes I get cranky and don't wave at anyone unless they wave first which is rare.
I love the wave. I get a good amount of waves, sometimes I even feel guilty if I have my hands busy and pass a jeep and they wave and I cant get it out in time!~! ha ha. I rarely get a jeep pass when they do not wave or return the wave. I say if you like the wave then WAVE even at those newer ones. Teach them. When I got my Wrangler I didnt know anything about the wave lol. The first day driving I was like wow why are these jeeps waving at me? cool!!
When it comes to Wranglers and the Jeep wave, there are typically three types:

Modified offroader - almost always wave
Stock - I normally get waves from these
Windows rolled up with the air on - these guys almost never wave.

I do think there is a "break in period" for new Jeep owners, so we should probably give the new JK owners a break, at least for a little while..

I get lots of waves, but almost never from JK'ers, and people that aren't driving a CJ or Wrangler. I did get one from a lifted KJ the other day, though...
When it comes to Wranglers and the Jeep wave, there are typically three types:

Modified offroader - almost always wave
Stock - I normally get waves from these
Windows rolled up with the air on - these guys almost never wave.

Now I lived in VA and I always had the windows rolled up with the A/C because of the 98 degrees and 96% humidity.....but I always waved. :p

when i bought my tj from a dealer he told me about the wave before he knew i already had a couple of cjs. maybe the yuppie dealers selling jks need schooling on jeep manners :D