introduced 59 new off roaders this week


New member

Introduced 59 newbies to our world this week at work. We teach them how to deal with the Indiana mud and ice in factory new trucks. They beat us up pretty bad though at times.
Still I think I've got the best job in the world. [addsig]

Hey, what part of indiana you from?? Im from close to bedford...
If your close, tell me and ill watch for ya!



Man that don't sound like a job. It sounds like a dream. Take a perfctaly new vehicle, that dosen't belong to you and give it hell, and when it breaks, you're not responsible. Cool Job. :-D :-D :-D [addsig]


Can't use the name of the truck cause of legal mumbo jumbo... I run the off road course for the factory, we teach folks to drive the two trucks we build and they sell.
I live near South Bend, In.

Don't mean to be so illusive but they own the name and I like my job... don't want to get fired...

Also the word JEEP gives em a rash...[addsig]

The only car company I have heard of that has an off-road track to teach new customers is Landrover.

My guess is landrover ....either that or Kia :-D [addsig]


My guess would be land rover, cause any American truck builder would be proud to gloat about how much abuse there rigs can take!

British iron is kinda tough too though


Based on where trackgod is from, it is Hummer. They have a course to teach people to wheel properly and some fun sand dunes out there. [addsig]


yes smokeater it does...rover??? you know what they say, if it don't go chrome it...[addsig]