Intermittant fails to start


Well-known member
Recently experiencing intermittent failure to start issues. The cause can be seen in the below pic of a broken wire due to corrosion.

Symptoms and troubleshooting.
Turn key full on to start and the starter does nothing / engine does not turn. I could feel all clicks of key as you turn and dash lights come on so not the bar pin or ign switch. Lights do not dim when starter engaged and trip odometer does not reset, so it is unlikely the battery or a shorted starter.
Recent work completed:Put new clutch in July.
From outside the vehicle you could hear the relay click. Checked fuses, and swapped the relay with the horn relay but the issue was unchanged. Put in clutch bypass fuse to see if the switch or connections failed. Issue remained. So I inspected the wiring and connections to battery and starter. Engine starts. ???

Next drive no start???
2min later starts???
Charged battery cleaned connectors.

Removed and cleaned all contacts to the starter and battery and retightened. At that point I didn’t notice how flimsy the solenoid signal wire was at the connector. Not until this stranded me at the grocery store. So in emergency had someone turn the key while i pushed the wire into the butt of the connector and it started.

Found this when I got home and inspected. Notice how far up the wire the corrosion and dirt has gotten. This is after wire strip and a wiping down.

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson
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Repair. Cleaned corrosion from wires with baking soda and vinegar. Rinsed and dried. Wiped grease off and cleaned insulation. Dipped wires in some solder flux and soldered the exposed wire. Crimped and soldered the slide connector on the wire. Shrink wrapped that connection then shrink wrapped full female clip and further down the wire.

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse JacksonIMG_1525.JPG
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Good job discovering your bad wire issue. I've become a firm believer in good solid ground wires after experiencing similar no-start or intermittent no-start issues. FYI: Walmart has some inexpensive 4 or 6 gauge wires that I've used to repair broken cables.
Thanks! That is good to know.

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson

It's very gratifying when we encounter a problem and can determine the cause and readily repair.