Interior color change


New member
does anyone have a rough estimeat of how much it would cost to change the color of a jeep interior? I have a 98 TJ (for now), and am kinda curious about changing out the grey interior to the Tan, how much this would cost, and if its actually possibly to find replacement interior parts to take out all the grey.
Are you talking all new stuff or used from a bone yard? Dash carpet seats console is about it. I would go for the after market seats in your choice of color and paint the dash and throw away the carpet for hucurliner myself. tug

I'd agree, custom auto upholstry gets real expensive real fast

I used a fabric spray paint on my door panels in my cj, you could use that on everything that's grey, except the seats-just get you some new ones there.
stick with the gray... i'd have to say its definitely better looking than the tan. just my opinion though:)
There are upulstry paints and Plastic panel paints you could use but it will look terrible after a few months. The cheepest way to go is to sell your jeep and buy one with tan, or swap interiors with someone. I would just stick with the gray it looks better anyway.

You can borrow my dog. After he jumps in there a few times it will all be brown.
Well thanks for the posts guys. Im just considering it cause I like the look of the tan hardtop, just dont want to have a 3 different colored jeep. Althought, new job coming up, will probably be getting a new vehicle soon anyways, may be jeep, may not be.... the 4 banger with 100k isnt cutting it anymore.