
NEVER BUY A COLD AIR INTAKE FOR A JEEP. It is a stupid and innefective concept for a Jeep. They are open and can seriously harm an engine. ARB would be a lot more effective.
Agreed, the ARB has a function. The cold air funtion is just lightening your wallet a bit.
You will get 5 HP gain @ 5000 RPM (not that theres anything wrong with that)
go with both thats what I have buy the 30 or 40 dollar square k&n filter and the arb best insurance you can buy for not forkin up your engine pm me for any questions on the install cause I can help you with some great tips

don't confuse "cold air" with a conical filter intake... a cold air intake leaves the engine bay and draws air from outside the hood
setting up YJ spring on a full sized dana 44

yeah. i would have to agree with using both. KN filter (drop in style)allows more air to flow. snokle allows cold air in and it is out of the water :lol:
I vote neither. I think the aftermarket snorkels are a waste of money and the homemade pvc ones look better if done right. For a less restricted intake (cold intake is silly) remove the factory restrictor and use a K&N drop in like Jeepdude832 said. A friend of mine has a homemade snorkel that is part time. There's a cap on the factory airbox he put on so he can switch from stock intake to snorkel. I'll take some pics next week.

TwistedCopper said:
I vote neither. I think the aftermarket snorkels are a waste of money and the homemade pvc ones look better if done right. For a less restricted intake (cold intake is silly) remove the factory restrictor and use a K&N drop in like Jeepdude832 said. A friend of mine has a homemade snorkel that is part time. There's a cap on the factory airbox he put on so he can switch from stock intake to snorkel. I'll take some pics next week.

I'm definitely interested in seeing htose pics, i was thinking of going cowl induction and being able to go back stock for inspection, etc.
Both would be my answer as well. The snorkle is going to move the air source alot futher from the intake thus causeing more drag on the air getting there. So by useing a free flowing air filter you will cause less than with out one in line to the engin. I am no fan of the open cone air filter so many use due to the nature of off roading. It is going to get wet at some point if you play hard. The K&N in the orginal Air Box is my choice if you have injection. If you have a carb they seem to like the warmer air so an under hood over the motor intake is my choice. Crazy ways of seeing thing here in the hills but thats the way I see it. tug
I would go with both which is what I have. I didn't notice too much of a power gain although it seems like I don't have to hold my foot down as far on the gas to maintain highway speeds. The snorkel will act like a ram air forcing cold air into the intake. As for those exposed cone filters, I don't understand why anyone who does a lot of off roading would ever go with one of those....they're too vulnerable to sucking in water and it seems to me that they would be sucking in the hot air from the engine compartment which would reduce your power and fuel mileage. If you want any pictures of the underhood setup I can get some for you. The ARB kit comes with a washer fluid bottle relocation bracket and longer wires and hoses.

How hard and expensive is it to regear?

so both seems the way to go for it rains and stuff..water does get in the opening of the snorkel right? how does this drain and such? thats what i'm kinda afraid of..stuff flyin inside..who knows if a bird might cross my snorkel's path one day..ya know
also this is my main source of can't be just a trail thing
LGR said:
so both seems the way to go for it rains and stuff..water does get in the opening of the snorkel right? how does this drain and such? thats what i'm kinda afraid of..stuff flyin inside..who knows if a bird might cross my snorkel's path one day..ya know
also this is my main source of can't be just a trail thing
Water getting inside the snorkel was a big concern of mine before I bought it as well. If it rains and your jeep sits, very little water gets inside the snorkel. The head is angled to prevent water from getting inside but some does. I emailed ARB about this and their response was that so little water gets into the snorkel that it isn't a problem. They've sold them for years and years and never had a problem. I still wasn't convinced so I checked mine after it sat in the pouring rain for two days straight and their was a few little drops of water inside. Even if you poured a cup of water down the head, it would sit at the bottom of it since the air inlet is situated a little above the bottom most part of the snorkel if you know what I mean. If you go off road and plan on driving fast through any large puddles, you can turn the head of the snorkel around so it's facing backwards. As for birds, you have nothing to worry about. There's a screen across the air intake on the head of the snorkel.
sounds good..i mean..i figured it was okay because a big company like ARB sells them. I've seen people put a K&N cone on the tip of them..anyone done this? any help? i figured it would restrict the air more then it already does

I've seen those prefilters and they're for very dusty, dry enviroments. If you're looking for a good prefilter here's an address to a comapany that sells them. This is the company that ARB gave me the address to for a prefilter. When you go to the site, click on topspin prefilters.
i would go snorkel with a k&n filter out side air thats cooler with the snorkel and more air thru the K&N filter that would be a nice setup..
graewulf said:
I'm definitely interested in seeing htose pics, i was thinking of going cowl induction and being able to go back stock for inspection, etc.

I should be able to take those pix Wednesday. I'll post them so long as he has no problem with it. I wouldn't think he will but I should ask him first.

just removed the intake restrictor, now to see what it does....
looks like the restrictor plate gained me almost 2MPG and the additional HP (according to what i've read it restricts about 10HP) to keep the overdrive from downshifting up a hill... definitely worth removing.... also feels a little smoother when accelerating.

There are two restrictors, there is the one in front of the airbox (a couple tugs should get that out. And the other is right on the intake tube. TAke the tube off that goes to the intake. Look inside of it and you will see a horn looking thing that sits there. Get the pliers and start pulling. THese do not normally make any noticable power increases, but hell, why not take it out, there is no need for them. Just keep the front restrictor. It is good to reattach for water splashing when offroad.