I'm gonna let every get a good laugh...


VT Hokie
This is how I woke up this morning. I think you can figure out what lead to me getting drawn all over.


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hahahahahaha...aren't you glad you got good friends. looks like sharpie, that doesnt come off easy.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Hey, I've always figured, if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at!!!!!!

Were at least some of your "friends".....female???
God, I miss college.

If you really want to get somebody, sharpie their elbows. Its tough to get clean, and you can't see while you are trying.

Yea I passed out with my shoes on. And yes some of them were female. One girl wrote her initials on my left foot. That was a very interesting night from what I've been told.
You got off easy compared to what we did to one of my friends back in high school at a party I had at my parents house. We completely filled in his ears and even did the a little of the inside of his nose. There were a lot of obscene words on his back with arrows pointing to his rear. He was so drunk that we threw him in the back of my pickup, left him at his parents front doorstep, rang the doorbell and ran. To this day, 15 years later, none of my friends are stupid enough to pass out anywhere near one another.
I have also been on both sides. We usually shaved off all hair off, though.( from your head down to your toes. (ah ahaha aha aha, we love these hoes!)

doesnt look that bad. looks like whoever was drawing probably passed out themselves 5 min later.

Read a recent story on just this subject. Guy passes out from too much alcohol, so called friends marked him up bad. Woke up, freaked out, drove away still drunk, crashes into tree and dies. "Friends" were charged with manslaughter.

Some fun huh?
Read a recent story on just this subject. Guy passes out from too much alcohol, so called friends marked him up bad. Woke up, freaked out, drove away still drunk, crashes into tree and dies. "Friends" were charged with manslaughter.

Some fun huh?

This has been around for a while. It could have happened, but I think its another urban myth.

No, I read about it in the national news section of my local newspaper.
Read a recent story on just this subject. Guy passes out from too much alcohol, so called friends marked him up bad. Woke up, freaked out, drove away still drunk, crashes into tree and dies. "Friends" were charged with manslaughter.

Some fun huh?

Thats a crock of crap. How do you blame someone else for something someone does like drunk driving. If that was the case you should be able to blame anyone who scares you while drunk for causing you to freak out and drive drunk.

What about this one (theoretically)

What if I was a black man at a bar, and a I was drunk. A guy in a white hat and painters coveralls walks in, and being drunk I mistake him for being in the KKK and so I run out of the bar, hop in, and kill myself. Should the guy in the hat get charged for causing me to freak out and drive drunk and then kill myself in a wreck?

Hell no. If that story is true, well it's just more proof that our country has sunk into a state of pointing fingers and not being able to take responsibility for your actions. I guess the guy who died couldn't take responsibility for his actions, but does that mean blame should be placed on someone else? No, it was his fault he drove drunk, period.