I'm feeling much better now, thank you


New member
I'd like to apologize to all of you for my knee-JERK (BIG emphasis on the jerk part) reaction to the return of the star/title ratings based on post counts. The first thing that crossed my mind would be the return of the single word posts and similar things associated with people trying to reach their next "magic number".

I've spent the last few hours reading several hundred posts from when I first joined Jeepz. A couple of the posts really put some things into perspective for me, both here, and away from the board. Please understand that the return of the ratings was just the tip of the iceburg for my actions.

We're all part of a huge, caring, and generous family here and I'm the brother you lock in the basement when company comes. Thank you all for doing what you do...........and for being EXACTLY who you are.



RE: 1/4 elliptical spring question

I'm really glad you decided to stay and whatever your reasons were, it doesn't matter. Like you said, we're all family.

Oh, and next time company comes you can stay out an extra 10 minutes. :mrgreen:
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: New Member...

YAY! I'm glad your back. Hate to lose a valued member such as yourself.
RE: Jeepz.com Wheelin

firemanharry said:
Please understand that the return of the ratings was just the tip of the iceburg for my actions.

Welcome back, and let me or somebody know if there's anything we can do to chip away at that iceberg ;) Put it in a PM if you don't want to air dirty laundry, should that be the case.

your money...

Welcome back, Dave!! Would've been a true shame to lose you just because of all that post-count nonsense. Knowledge not shared is useless knowledge.....something like post-counts. Glad to have you and your knowledge back!!!

the knowledge seeker and post too mucher and not helping enougher,

firemanharry said:
The first thing that crossed my mind would be the return of the single word posts and similar things associated with people trying to reach their next "magic number"


RE: bds or rough country?

Good to see you back Dave... Jeepz is alot easier to find than New Egypt!
removing rear track bar help

judge09 said:
I can feel the love radiating through my laptop.

ok now....GROUP HUG!!!!!! :shock: :) :( :o :shock: :P :D :x :lol: :twisted: :D :x :twisted: :o :roll: :twisted: :) :shock: :twisted: :shock: :o :twisted:

Welcome back!

RE: Motorcraft 2150 w/adapter

Glad you came back - Rock-on, Jeepz.com! LBR