I'm Almost Too Embarassed to Post This.....

RE: still working on it

Today, Sunshine and I decided to take a drive out to Cheney Lake and have a picnic, since it got up to 63 degrees. Actually, it was her idea to go, even though I've been itching to run out there for several days. We had about 3" of sleet and snow a few days ago, and I knew there would be lots of mud. Now the embarassing part: I drove through about 10 miles of excellently muddy roads, and never even played in it!!!!!!!!!! Well, there was one short burst of wheel slippage when we pulled off the side of the road to let another vehicle pass, but just enough to splatter a little on the rear-view mirrors. Is Sparky sick? Has he lost his love of mud? Is the world going to stop spinning and go crashing into the sun? Naw, not likely. I just didn't want to have to wash the Jeep again when I got home! Still, even though we plodded around in 2nd gear most of the day, there's a lot of mud on the tops of the fender flares and some on the hood, roof and bumper. With the extra backspacing I have now on the new wheels, it's impossible not to throw a little mud.

We really had a great time anyway. It was a beautiful day, with a very light breeze. Here's the cool part of it all: We counted 77 red-tailed hawks and saw 8 Bald Eagles!!!!!!!!! In my 40 years on this planet, I have only seen 6 Bald Eagles in the wild before today. Suddenly, it was like they were everywhere! I'm sure that a lot of you on these boards live in areas where they are prominent, but at least in this part of Kansas they're extremely rare. Up in the NE corner, they are fairly abundant for a couple of months a year as they migrate, but as far as seeing them here, it's quite rare. Sunshine and I have always made a game of counting the red-tailed hawks when we're driving back and forth to Wichita (or wherever we're going), something my dad started me on back when I was a wee lad. Our previous record for one day was 22 (coincidentally that was on the way to the Hospice on the day my dad died a few years ago). We had made a trip to Wichita earlier today, as well as a short drive to Andale, and counted 22 of them. Then we went to the lake and blew all the records out of the water!!!

Sorry to ramble on so much. I'm just pretty excited by the number of eagles and hawks we saw. Also a bit dejected that I didn't wallow in the mud like I normally would.

Thats cool Sparky! Sounds like you guys had a great time!....yeah it was nice here today too....I played with my disconnects...got a couple of pics but I'm not going to hi-jack your post....

did you get any pics of the Eagles?
disconnected flex'n pics

Yeah, I got two pics. They look just like the one I managed to snap about 15 years ago....a big black blob in a distant tree. I only brought the digital camera with me, and it sucks on telephoto, way too grainy. If I had brought my Canon with the 400mm zoom, I would have had several good pics. I think today was the closest I've ever been to an eagle in the wild, also. Still that was several hundred yards. We were using binoculars and getting very good views of them, though. Sunshine had never seen one before, except in a zoo, so we're both still on a "high" from it. Strange how just seeing an animal can do that to you, isn't it?
handguns or women?

Sounds like a really great time, Sparky........you don't always have to fling the mud to have a good time (although it helps :wink: ). Mudwoman and I have little trips like that quite often - great time but not too much wheelin'.......but we map future wheelin' spots while we're at it. Glad you had a good time to shake those winter blues!!

Sounds like a "just what you needed" drive... Glad you enjoyed, sounds really awesome.
Yeah, I guess it was just what we needed. Things have been rough here in Sparkyland since I haven't been working, and Sunshine has been having some health problems that have got us both down. Sometimes ya just gotta get out and listen to the wind......
well, got any other pics? Pics are always welcome!! I'd like to see some of that country. I was up in Santa Fe this weekend. (my weekend Thursday and Friday) And let me tell you...THAT was exactly what I needed too. Glad you had fun.