I was stiffed...

Re: RE: Chat room Sunday at 9:00 est

LOL, I'm going to work, but his wife emailed me back...you guys are going to love those...what a piece of work.

Re: CJ / YJ Rollbar bolts and 1 CJ dash bolt

Okay, so I emailed his wife, and was very polite (i thought) in an attempt to get some contact. Here was my email:

> Hello!
> I saw you on the Jeep forum, and noticed your name (not common). Are you

> Brian's wife?
> I bought the soft top, and he called me to tell that a part was missing.
> He was going to take it to Sofa Mart in Albuquerque, but never did.
> He isn't returning my phone calls, PM's or emails.
> Please help. I'm a nice guy, and not a psycho. I'm not mad, just
> frustrated. I just want what I paid for. And at this point have already
> figured I'm just going to lose out on this deal.

> In the very least, I would take a small refund (cost of the part) or even
> less, help in identifying the part that's missing.
> Brian seems like a nice guy, I'm just hoping it's all a
> misunderstanding.
> Ian

Not mean spirited...right?
Well, here was her response:
I understand your frustration, but take this into consideration. He just started back to school full time and is working 26 hours a week on top of that. He's not a cheater, so trust me, you'll get your parts. Things have
been hell the past couple weeks, some of which is non of your business.

I'll pass on your email to him.


Well, she must have thought about it a bit because she sent an additional email:
Just one more thing, if I am correct, I believe that you can use your
existing parts on your old soft top. Lose out on this deal? Do you know how
much a new soft top costs? That top was used for maybe a week, if that. It
has a couple small scuff marks on it, and the windows are almost immaculate
(have you not seen used windows on jeeps out here? or what?) You made out
like a bandit, Brian doesn't like ripping people off, and if it had been
sold to anyone off the board it would have been for more money, which we
already knew we could get because we had gotten offers, after we promised to
sell it to you. Yeah, we are real assholes.

Send me your address, you'll get your parts. We don't have time to run
around all over the place.


Any comments...opinions? These people have obviously convinced themselves that they sre standing on some warped sense of moral highground. Evidentally, according to her, the fact that I got a "Great deal" means that you don't have to fulfill your promises. And if you are busy with school and work, then you don't have to return calls, emails, or PM's. ...right.
OK, sounds like she's the psycho... Your e-mail had no malice or forcefulness whatsoever, and she's freaking like you accused her of burning your house down...

Full Width Dana 44 and Ford 9

Send the address, be nice, get your part and be done with them after you mail a dead fish to the return address :)

RE: Re: Tax man cometh...lift qustions

TwistedCopper said:
Send the address, be nice, get your part and be done with them after you mail a dead fish to the return address :)

Yeah, I did, of my work addy...of course. But the fish things a good idea.

RE: Re: RE: Riddle Me This?

i was thinking the same thing Gadget. But i was wondering.......... which ones is attached by the leash there? Of course it may have been him trying to use his dog.......... er wife's email address to save his own tail. (sorry about the bad pun here). i sure hate people who find ways to cheat others out of things then try to turn the etables as though the are a victim of verbal abuse because they did you this "gargantuan" favor, all while working, going to school, etc, like everyone else in the world. Oh Well. just an early morning rant....need coffee now.
You all seem to be looking at the wrong end of this mule. Perhaps it was the dog that was just wanting a.....oops, never mind, wrong post. (See the "Tale of Gadget's Screw" thread)
Sparky-Watts said:
You all seem to be looking at the wrong end of this mule. Perhaps it was the dog that was just wanting a.....oops, never mind, wrong post. (See the "Tale of Gadget's Screw" thread)

:lol: I just read the other thread, and I'm laughing.... :lol:

If he's working and going to school so much, how did he have enough time to get you a whole soft top. Seems like dropping off a little part would take less time...but maybe i'm wrong???

She obviously knows about the missing part too. If you don't get it, I still say show up at 2:00 in the morning with a baseball bat and a hocky mask on
I know this is very immature of me, but I couldn't resist:


RE: Re: RE: My belated Christmas (pics)!

Ok, I know we've got some talented photo-choppers on this board, so......have at it dudez and dudettez:


I'm sure you can think of something to do with this pic and the pic of the offending jerkwad. :lol:

Ok, my apologies for the previous pic. Maybe this will be better to use, although not nearly as interesting.
RE: Ever seen a plane land on a Jeep?

:shock: Is that her stomach hanging down between her legs? Aaaaahhggg!