I was stiffed...


New member
RE: gauges quit working?

I purchased a soft top. I bought it from a fellow online Jeeper on my New Mexico Jeep club website. He sold it to me for $225, minus the windsheild channel. (full hardware)

He called me to tell me he was sorry, but forgot to include one of the pieces. He was supposed to drop it off at a sister store for the company I work for located in Albuquerque, so I could make arrangements to have it shipped to me.

I have called, PM'd, Emailed, to no avail. I know he's been online since my PM's and have confimed my PM's have been read. He's obviously avoiding me.

What should I do? I know where he lives, and discovered (thru some nifty online research) that he is friends with an old friend of MINE!!! (one of my best friend's ex-girlfriends) Weird coincidence...chances are astronomical. :shock: I used to wheel with her when I owned my 73 Bronco!

I don't even know what's missing from the hardware. I'm not happy and it's taking ALL of my will power not to hunt him down and wup some arse.

BTW- I am going up to Albuquerque this weekend to visit my GF.
I would drop him another PM and tell him you will be in the area this weekend and are planning on stopping by. Then if he doesnt respond show up to his front door with a couple of your larger male friends.

RE: Sorry to brag......

Release the hounds. Or the bees. Or the hounds with bees in their mouths so when they bark, they shoot bees at you.

I'd say look him up while you're there. Maybe it's just an oversight, but I doubt it...
I would go to his house, call him on the phone, when he see's you on the caller ID, he will avoid the number, at the same time, knock on the door, then when he answers the door, ask him if his phone is working, and where the top is.

Did you pay for it yet?
You don't know what's missing? Have you gotten the main shipment yet?

Try to put it on the Jeep, and find out what is missing. It may be the straps in the back, or somthing silly like that.

Find out what is missing, then find a price for that part online. Ask him for the part, or the price of the part back.

terrymason said:
You don't know what's missing?
Try to put it on the Jeep, and find out what is missing. It may be somthing silly .

Find out what is missing, then find a price for that part online. Ask him for the part, or the price of the part back.

....no wonder Terry runs the show around here! :p Always thinking logical. (must be part Vulcan) :twisted:

RE: Re: RE: Transfercase rattle on a 99 TJ

Hi-Ya, Ian,

If your situation gets to the stage where you need to contact "Bestop" for the missing part (whatever it might be), you can contact Bestop via the I-Net here:


or via telephone at 1-800-845-3567.

I have in the past dealt with Bestop telephone customer service to obtain a missing soft top part. Bestop provided oustanding service and support.

If I may, I would suggest that you contact Bestop via the telephone. The Bestop service reps can deal with the misc. softop bits and pieces not listed individually in the aftermarketer Jeep parts-accessories catalogs or websites.

I realize that the above does not provide "street justice," but the above does provide a possible solution to the problem.



_(OIIIIO)_Jeeper said:
terrymason said:
You don't know what's missing?
Try to put it on the Jeep, and find out what is missing. It may be somthing silly .

Find out what is missing, then find a price for that part online. Ask him for the part, or the price of the part back.

....no wonder Terry runs the show around here! :p Always thinking logical. (must be part Vulcan) :twisted:


That was way too logical. It actually made me feel less intelligent because didnt even entertain that thought.
Now this, Mingez, is the reason baseball-bats are around.

If he's not too far away (and he won't answer his phone), I would just show up and say you were in the area. But first I would try and find out what exactly is missing. But I would still make sure I got whatever the part is in the end...since it does belong to you...no matter how un-important it is
Logic is grand and wonderful, writing a song about the part you are missing, setting up shop on his front lawn and singing said song nice and loud at around 2:00 AM is more fun... Of course, with musical accompaniment from your instrument of choice...

At least, that's what I'd do if I was annoyed enough.

Oh where, oh where's my bracket?
Without it, I can't hack it.
If you'd picked up your phone,
You'd be peaceful and alone...

But now I have to ask you,
What now you want me to do
Because I have no bracket
And without it, I can't hack it...

I'm not leaving without it,
My Jeep, you chose to flout it
So here, six hours till dawn
I'm standing on your lawn...

Just an idea for the opening verse, should you choose a musical revenge.
RE: CJ-7 carb problems, please help.

For the past 11 months or so, I've known you to be pretty level headed and straightforward, Mingez. I'll have to stick on Terry's side on this one, too, and advise you to do the logical and sensible thing. If you do know where he lives, just show up and confront him peaceably face to face. Try to work out a settlement, whether it is the delivery of the omitted part or the return of your money. If that doesn't work, take him to court. I can't see you getting yourself into trouble with the law over something like this. Sure, you could whack him upside the head, but then you'd always have to be watching over your shoulder. He could bring more and bigger buddies, then you could bring more and bigger buddies and so on and so on until finally your corner of New Mexico would be obliterated in a blinding flash of atomic fission. Do the right thing, bud......I know it's in your character.
RE: Sorry to brag......


Yeah, obviously I'm not going to resort to any violence...although I'm sure it would be very cathartic :lol: . While I've envisioned the "Casino Joe Pesci" baseball bat beating...and imagined blowing up his Jeep... I'd never do it.

It's just the damnedable principal of it all. Even if the part was only 5 bucks, it's the lying and avoiding that urks me the most.

Guys, you are all too much. Thanks for the suggestions both violent and logical, but level headedness WILL prevail. And thanks for the links to Bestop. I'll definetly be buying the part... ugh.


My "Level-headedness"won't keep me from posting a picture of him and allow all of you to bash him on JEEPZ.com! Photoshoppers... do your WORST!!!!!!

Wanted: Brian Lucero of Albuquerque NM.

what a schmuck. :roll:

Release the hounds. Or the bees. Or the hounds with bees in their mouths so when they bark, they shoot bees at you.

I love the Simpsons.