I put some bump in my trunk


Staff member
I've been working on Jeep's system for a couple of weeks now, and I've finally made some progress. My new head unit is here, and my amp kit came in today. If everything goes as planned, I'll be rocking out on my way to work monday morning.

Anyway, here are some shots of my new in-seat sub.


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I'll have to find a better place for my amp, but everything else is all hooked up. I haven't done any fine tuning, but this system sounds awesome! I really wasn't expecting it to sound this good.

[YT="Jeep Subwoofer"]Fmpokgq1ImI[/YT]
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That's a great place for the sub!! However, watching your vid, you sound like the guy that comes through our neighborhood (different genre music) every time we're trying to record something.:( :( :( ALL AMP/SUB PEOPLE TAKE NOTE!!!!!!! I DON'T GIVE A SQUAT WHAT YOU LISTEN TO, BUT PLEASE DON'T FORCE ME TO LISTEN TO IT!!!!!!! A little respect would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise, I'm buying a 1000 watt amp and the whole state of Louisiana (or where ever we happen to be) will be hearing John Prine rattling their windows and walls (not a pretty thought)!!!!!

Regardless.............great thinking on the placement of the sub!! Very creative!!
I've seen that once before. That is a great place for the sub. You could put the amp under the seat on the right side so it's not under the amp. That is where mine is. Are you going to do a write up on the install?
Yeah, I'm half way done with a writeup. It's a pretty long process - I had a good time building it.

I wanted to put my amp under the seat, that's why I offset the sub. The problem is that the seat is too low, and my amp is too long. I'm torn between raising the seat up 2 inches, or building a false floor and put my amp under it. I could probably get a new amp that's smaller, but I don't want to shell out the $

That's sweet... I want to see a write up too! Can you do it in a YJ?
Here's my writeup - it's still a work in progress.

southtj - I don't think I'd make one for sale. I had a great time making mine, but it did take place over several weeks, and was a good amount of work. You're in luck though, there is a company making them. You can find them on ebay, or from 33 Engineering 33 Engineering - Designers of Superior Jeep Products

Just be sure to pair it with a big amp, as these sealed enclosures need alot of power to drive them. I originally hooked it up with a smaller amp, and it sounded terrible

I don't blame you, Terry. It looked like a lot of work. I think the 1 10" sub box from 33 engineering might do the trick. Thanks.

Did you end up replacing the sound bar speakers with a larger size?
No I didn't replace any of the stock speakers. I did however add a new head unit which made a lot of difference in sound quality. I'm pretty happy with it as is.

I may go back later and change the speakers out, adding some polyfill to the sound bar, but I'm in no hurry.