I got stiffed...(Part Deux)


New member
Remember the emails from the wife of the guy I bought the soft top from?
I understand your frustration, but take this into consideration. He just started back to school full time and is working 26 hours a week on top of that. He's not a cheater, so trust me, you'll get your parts. Things have
been hell the past couple weeks, some of which is non of your business.

I'll pass on your email to him.

Just one more thing, if I am correct, I believe that you can use your
existing parts on your old soft top. Lose out on this deal? Do you know how
much a new soft top costs? That top was used for maybe a week, if that. It
has a couple small scuff marks on it, and the windows are almost immaculate
(have you not seen used windows on jeeps out here? or what?) You made out
like a bandit, Brian doesn't like ripping people off, and if it had been
sold to anyone off the board it would have been for more money, which we
already knew we could get because we had gotten offers, after we promised to
sell it to you. Yeah, we are real assholes.

Send me your address, you'll get your parts. We don't have time to run
around all over the place.


Well, ironically this thread happened: check out this thread on NMVJC.org . I can't link directly to it, but I can copy it to this board. (the different forum's don't have a URL) Or you can go to nmvjc.org click on the off topic forum and click on the thread "Is it just me or..."

A guy named "01WJ" Posted:
is this the slowest responding site you visit. I love this place but it drives my patience to the edge. If it is just me what can I do to make it better!!

To which "abq-tj" repied:

Actually, it's NOT the slowest site I visit...go to JU much? And we've received funds for the one banner that is up...the other that is not will not go up and I'm not dealing with it as they didn't pay as asked. Yes, a check was delivered, but it was made out to a "club" that doesn't exist, after multiple contacts were made with the instructions on who and how to pay. So, the check has never been cashed, and I don't feel it's my place to try and cash it in my personal account. So it won't ever get cashed. I'm not re-hashing this every few weeks....
And then Shelia the She Devil commented:
So,let me get this straight, NMVJC gets offered $100 to put up a banner that should only cost, what is it...$50? And because he made a human error, you can't go out of your way to pick it up? Jesus christ it was a mistake he made. After all that bitching, if I was him, I would withdraw the donation. I do not think that someone who is donating something to this site, and not expect to get much out of it I might add, should have to go out of his way to track you down to give you the check. Who is running the advertising portion of this board? Shouldn't it be that person? Multiple contacts? I'm not trying to be confrontational, but he was not a hard person to get a hold of. As a matter of fact everytime I went by to visit with him he was there, so try just stopping by? Doesn't this site come out of your own pocket? I don't think that I have ever heard you complain about that, but getting $100 towards the site isnt something to just brush off, IMO.


Of course then Mingez had to call BS on that one:

Yeah, perhaps he's just tooo busy. You know, with work, school, and life and maybe some things that just "aren't any of our business". Besides...people don't have time to "Run all over the place". Or so I've heard.

Hee hee... LOL.
RE: hi_c is back... with problems

Same Shelia, huh?? Great reply, mingez!! Cracked me up!! That ought to stir the pot a little.....
That actually made me smile! You must be sure to post back should anything come of this, looks like it's gonna get good...

I'm glad to be here!

Dude.....how......heck, I can't spell it. Apropo? Whatever the word, that's freaking hilarious!!!!

hehe, has anyone responded yet?

I tried to look at the site, but you have to be a member and it wasn't letting me register