

New member
Been reading posts for awhile now and see that a few of you hunt with your jeeps. Now that I own one and deer season is upon us, whats the best way to get the deer home? Do you guys throw it in the back, use a hitch tray or just throw it over the hood?

Lol my friend says throw it over the hood but 1.he isn't a hunter and 2. I don't like ****ing off my animal friendly neighbors.

My wife bought my 2004 Jeep wrangler for me a month ago as a suprise, I'm about a week from getting home from Iraq and I can't wait to get into it.
I use a receiver rack as well but i carry a large cooler on it. I can take a total of 3 deers averaging between 120-160lbs each. I dress, quarter and cape out the deers and pack it with ice, take it home and process it.

i welded a rack for my reciever,elk i de-bone, deer i just put on the rack until i get to the pickup.the use my tow bar to pull the jeep home with the meat in coolers in the pickup bed.