Hummer copy-cat


New member

Am I the only one really pissed off about Hummer stealing the Jeep design? It's not even a small detail, they actually stole a couple Jeep trademarks. Whenever I see one on the road (especially test drivers because there's a dealership by my house) I just look at them and laugh and then drive on. I really want to go to the dealership and give them trouble. What do you guys think? -Mike


I thought Jeep had put the kaibash on Chevy using their design. I know originally, the grill of the hummer was the same design as the Jeep's. Not sure about the other stuff cause I haven't seen 'em up close. I would rather have an army hum-vee than these "toys for rich boys" hummers that Chevy's churnin' out. Although, far be it from me to ever turn down a free hummer. BTW-if you wanna check out something rather humorous, log onto . I interviewed this guy on my radio morning show and man, does he have some balls! It's a pretty funny site though.

I think that the original Humvee that replaced the jeeps was a good design and I'm glad they kinda kept the jeep alive by copying some features. I agree with you about the civilian hummers or suburbans with a cheezy plastic lookin soccer mom hummer body. About a year ago I saw a military Humvee for sale on the side of the road and got all excited and it was in pretty bad condition and the guy wanted something like 12 g's for it.
I do think that civilian hummers are crap and most of the people that buy, them stick to the roads of beverly hills and never use em for what they're meant to do.

the new H2's are a dime a dozen here, and the funny thing is not a single one of them ive ever seen has even a bit of dirt on it. personally i hate the things, and dont even think i could stomach taking a free one. its a little too cute to be called a hummer as far as im concerned. its too bad. - master[addsig]


I saw the Car and Driver on the H2 and it appeared to handle a variety of offroad scenarios with ease...depending how funded the episode was by the H2, may affect what is shown. Personally, the H1 kicks the ass out of the H2 (it should for 2X's as much)...but I think the H2 is a genius idea. If you had $50K to spend on a new SUV, what would you get? (this is a hypothetical question because if I had $50K to spend on a car, I'd probably get a used H1 for about $35K and use the rest to restore whatever needed) But, for the trendy population, why not get a H2? Other options that I would never consider: Excursion, Escalade, Tahoe, Denali, etc. So - instead of spending that on one of those, why not spend it on a chunk of "military" history? Own the name of a H1 for 1/2 price. Plus, it's image is more rugged than the rest in the price class...and I've said it before, people want to be extreme and rugged today (in their driveway and car pools). I think they are an awesome marketing strategy. Then again...$50K into a Jeep...hhmmm????....