HP 44 in a TJ


New member
I have a HP 44 that i got from a buddy and i want to do a radius arm front suspension. I know there arent many fans of it out there but I like it. I was wondering if anbody on here has done this before, I read a little on it on pirate 4x4 but when I asked a question everybody started calling me dumb and making fun of me, so I decided to ask you guys. Any info would be helpful.

What is the 44 out of. I wheel with two guys tgat run the whole setup out of the broncos and they work not bad. Just carry. Lots of bushings for the arms. The biggest thing is the brackets. As long as you have them welded good it will work good. Build skids for the radius atms it will save them from damage.
Most people do this on yjs to get rid of the leafs. The tjs flex great and are more stable but control arms get pricey.
it's out of a 76 ford F-150 the thing I was worried about is are the spring buckets on the axle gonna line up with the ones on my jeep?

They dont. The axles are considerably wider. You need to replace the frame brackets for the spring monts.
<- not a fan of radius arms at all, seen my fair share of carnage due to overflexing radius arm suspension.

If it were a vehicle originally equip with radius arms and you were trying to work with that, then I say why not, but since you are pretty much starting from scratch, 3 link with pan hard or 4 link the front.

I've swapped full wideth axles into TJ's before, you will need to remove the axle's coil buckets and either fab or purachse new ones. you will need to incorporate a portion of the diff casting into the drivers side coil mount, so I suggest doing that side first, keeping the mount as close to the axle tube as possible then build the passengers side to match.

I am assuming you are thinking raduis arm since that is what the ford axle has. if you have welded mounts, just cut them off, if you have cast raduis arm mounts, life just got a little more difficumt, but you can work around them.
I just read your thread on Pirate.. You got off easy.

If you haven't, move your post to the non-hardcore section, you will get a little bit warmer response.

yeah people acting like that doesnt bother me I just let it roll off my shoulder. But anyways I dont know if I want to do a raius arm or not. The guy with the front end informed me that he doesnt know for sure but he is pretty sure it is from a 76 so How can I tell if it is cast or welded? I decided if it is cast i might try and do a radius arm but if it is welded i am definatly gonna do a regular TJ suspension.

$450.. where are you looking?

Coil Spring Options

probably $150 for all the parts.
If you start adding the link ounts the price will go up, but not too much, might be easier to just make your own.
well i would make them but I cant weld and im getting my buddy to do all the welding for me. I know he wouldnt mind but I just dont wanna go overboard with giving him a two page list of stuff to do. Ya know what i mean.