How's the weather?


New member
It's 79 degrees here in Michigan, and a bright sunny day... There's a good sporting chance we might break the record for the day, which to my recall is 84 degrees in 1977... It's HOT up here!!! But we're supposed to be back down in the 50s, with lows in the 30s by the weekend, after we get some thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow...

That's Michigan...

Re: How is that right?

Right now in Kansas its in the mid 60's I would say. But it'll prolly cool down tonight because of the chance of thundstorms tonight. oh and it is REALLY windy.

It's supposed to be around 60 here today...and continue on for a week or so.

But, yeserday and for a few weeks prior to today, it's been pouring non-stop with lots of hail all day long.

Usual big swing 60s day, mid 30s at night. BUT, it hasn't rained in 10 days!! Usually 3 days of rain a week.
RE: Re: RE: Idoling too low

We tied the record, at 84 degrees... Blech!!! :shock: ... I do hate the heat something awful... Supposed to be in the high 60s tomorrow, and raining. I hope we get a nice big thunderstorm, I like those...

Perfect weather to be up for work at 4 AM :evil:
RE: Re: The final solution to my cj problems

in WNY we were in upper 70s today. Rooftop work was a blazing burnfest

RE: New Pope

We hit low 80s in CNY yesterday. The cool down in coming though
gunna hit 23 degrees celcius today (approx 73F warm for april in canada) :D
takin the top off for the drive home from work
and the sunshines supposed to last throu the weekend

GOING CAMPING SATURDAY NIGHT :D mmmmmmm weiner roasting
Been in the 80's here in Alabama with sunshine for the past 5 days. We are going to get rain tonight thru friday then back with the sun for the weekend. I'm lovin it. We are planning on spending the weekend at my hunting cabin and getting some dozer and tractor work done. One of the guys that hunts with me acquired an M38A1 to bring down and surprise everyone with. It will be the new hunting vehicle. I'm lloking forward to playing with it.
5 days ago... That's when I posted that it was 84 degrees here in Michigan... Trees are leafing, plants were growing...

It's now 34, a winter storm warning is in effect, and we're forecast 4-8 inches of snow tonight, 3-6 tomorrow, and all those numbers have done today is go up...

I do love my Michigan :cry: :x
RE: How

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Your sending it all this way..... Thank you :D , now I get to make $10 an hour salting :D :twisted: :D . It has already started to snow here and I'll probavly be out all night salting. :eek:ut-of-pitch singing: Money, money, money..... MONEY :eek:ut-of-pitch singing/: Ahh, I can't wait to get to TEXAS OR to get my Jeep fixed...... no time with all the work I have to do at my J.O.B. "I pretend to work, they pretend to pay"

Bit windy but another warm day in El Paso. I just got in from a mc ride with some friends from El Paso to Cloucraft, NM.. ah, break out the suntan lotion, I'm turning red
Saurian said:
5 days ago... That's when I posted that it was 84 degrees here in Michigan... Trees are leafing, plants were growing...

It's now 34, a winter storm warning is in effect, and we're forecast 4-8 inches of snow tonight, 3-6 tomorrow, and all those numbers have done today is go up...

I do love my Michigan :cry: :x

I feel for ya, Saurian ('tho I know you love it :shock: ).

Dogwood winter set in here - high today around 50, rainy, coldish......chance of snow flurries tonight. Mid-week supposed to be back in the 70's!!!! YEAH!!!!!! Just have to live through blackberry winter and then we're done!!
A few glitches after motorcraft and hei swap

Welp... its snowing here now. That's fun eh? It was 80 just two days ago. Gotta love the north

I think i got you all beat, in Kabul, Afganistan it was 112* (one hundred and twelve) in the afternoon. Then you can add another 7 degrees for the fact of tactical vest, flac vest and helmet. AND it isn't even summer yet! I think i am going to die, but i don't know who to leave my jeep to? Damn i wish i had it here with its ice cool A/C.
RE: Re: RE: Good Laugh!

havnt had the top on since last teusday :D WOOOOOOOOO SCORE!!!! althou i do get some crazy looks when driving to work at 5:30 in the morning bundled up like i'm ready for winter in my topless jeep.. but on the way home i get a lot of double takes :D and the dont look disturbed... they look like they are drooling :p HAHAHA i love my jeep