How Good is Your Alignment?

This story ran in the Hutchinson News this morning....that Jeep had one heck of a good alignment!!

Police amend charges against driver in accident
By Jason Probst

The driver of a jeep involved in a bizarre accident near Broadacres Road had the original charges against him dropped in an amended police report.

The amended report dropped the citation against Charles F. Ruble, 23, 2513 South Bonebrake Road, for theft by deception but retained the failure to report an injury accident, leaving the scene of an injury accident and obstruction charges stemming from the late Saturday night accident.

Ruble was driving a 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee around 11:20 p.m. Saturday night eastbound on Lake Cable Road when he apparently lost control of the vehicle and drove into the north ditch.

The jeep rolled, and Ruble was ejected from his seat. A passenger, Kacy Michaels, 27, 12815 South Broadacres, was wearing her seat belt and remained in the car as it rolled and returned to an upright position.

During the rollover, the accelerator became lodged and the jeep continued to drive across a field toward Broadacres Road.

After traveling driverless and in a straight line for nearly a mile, the jeep crashed into the home of Arlo Unruh at 10606 South Broadacres.

Unruh was sitting on the couch, watching television with Georgia Hardesty when they both heard a loud roaring sound. According to police reports, within a few seconds the jeep crashed through a window on the west side of the house, traveled through the home until it became lodged in the north wall.

Surprisingly, Unruh and Hardesty were not injured as the jeep plowed through the house.

Unruh checked the passenger, who was slumped over in the vehicle and began searching for the driver.

Ruble, in an apparent attempt to find and help Michaels, commandeered a Ford pickup truck from a nearby house and followed the jeep to the Unruh residence.

During the pursuit, Ruble ran through two barbed-wire fences and knocked two nozzles from center-pivot crop irrigation systems.

Capt. Joleen Smith with the Reno County Sheriff's office, said Ruble faces the obstruction charge because officers allege that he wasn't truthful about the events that led up the crash, which forced the sheriff's officers to conduct an investigation.

Michaels was airlifted from the scene to Wesley Medical Center, but on Wednesday hospital officials had no information on her.

Copyright 2004 The Hutchinson News




alignment had nothing to do with it I bet.. the passenger was steering - I know I would - then again i'd kill the ignition too.
Man, Sparky, you got some stories. 'Course the best ones are always the personal ones (can you say defibrilator?? - or spell it?!?). I'm wonderin' if the wicked witch was involved in that fiasco :lol: :lol:
My YJ would have gone in circles, I really need to get the ailignment done again can't seem to drive the thing strait for anything
Oh imagine rolls then lands on it's tires, drive across a field, then plows into the house. I am suprised the passenger wasnt killed!

I can not even see as straight as that thing was suppost to have went! tug