How Do You?????


New member

How are all these people putting pictures of there jeeps on there post by where their signatures go???? :-O :-? :-O [addsig]


First you need an image host or else the picture will only be visible while YOU are online. Try Sony Imagestation. After you have your picture hosted, open your picture in a new window and copy the address (ex: Then open up your Jeepz account info page and under signature type:

IMG SRC = "whatever.gif"

But place < > around everything and paste the picture address in place of whatever.gif
NOTE: if imagestation makes the end of the address look like .gif.orig.gif you need to DELETE the .orig.gif part or you'll get an imagestation error about outside linking.

Hope this helps

edited by: XJNick, Jun 06, 2003 - 01:56 PM[addsig]

Hey jh, Tarsij helped me, Xj nick is correct.

Here is my example:
A Salute to American Ruggedness!


Keep your Rubber Touching Terra,
and your hand in the air :-D

I'll find the thread I learned from and get it to you now.

:cool: [addsig]


:lol: :lol: :lol: Its to big :lol: How do I make it smaller??? :-? :lol: [addsig]

there are 2 ways to resize:

At the end of the <IMG tag, right after the address close parenthesis, put
WIDTH="x" HEIGHT="x" or you can just enter one value and it should auto size the other value.

But it is better to use a photo editing software to resize the photo as the quality will be better and the image won't be as pixelated.


edited by: XJNick, Jun 06, 2003 - 02:39 PM[addsig]


Dingus had to resize mine to like 105 x ? (proportional)

Wish I could help but I don't have photoshop.

Ding is not currently on Jeepz or AIM.

I am going to take it out right k=now so I don't bug everyone ,, and once i figure it out I will put it back up, thanks for all the help Guys'''''''''' :-D [addsig]