Hollywood hippies really kicking themselves now!!!


New member

All of those moviestars who thought that the Iraqi people hated us must feel really stupid after what happened today. I was really suprised to see how happy they were after the saddam statue came down. [addsig]


break out the Mike 88 and tear it down!!!!![addsig]

yea, i agree jeepster. but i am affraid they wont tolerate us being there very long . the persian area has been invaded so many times over so many generations or should i say centurys that they are weary of outsiders in there country. religion is so imbeded in there society it will take many years for them to get things straightend out. not to mention the u.s. track record for installing the people that we want to run a country is not very good. i think we did the right thing by takeing out the regime , but let them build there own goverment to suit there needs . mesopatania is the craddle of civilization and we cant change in weeks or months what has taken thousands of years to evolve . just my opinion..........odax :-? [addsig]

or thousands of years to become "third world-like", whereas america has become a world power from nothing in 200 years[addsig]


ODAX, whole heartedly agree, And unfortunatly, it should not be our responsibility to istitute the government. We have other things to attend to as well - Korea is a problem, can't forget about Bin A$$hole Laddin.

But todays events are definatly moral boosters!


roger that johnny. am afraid this is going to destabilze the whole region . there are no democratic goverments in the area. if i was a king , sultan or monarchy i would be getting very nervous about know. power breeds corruption, just look at our corporate society. who runs this country? lobbyists...........odax :-D [addsig]


that is what the book says.. if its true... we could have a few things ahead to worry about... such as another fall of babylon, the state of interwound cultures, America. Sorry for bringing up religion... just mentioning what the Book says[addsig]

Yes,I think your right snitty.It does mention the world at war and the rebuilding of babylon.iAll the peices are falling into place. :wink: Sully[addsig]



I believe you all got off the main subject of the post, so many of our over paid entertainers showed their colors to all of us commoners. In return for their loyalty to our troops I for one will show my loyalty to them by not investing my time and money to help fund any further actions. In the immortal words of Mighty Merle Haggard ( IF YOU DO NOT LOVE IT LEAVE IT )

edited by: N2HUN10, Apr 11, 2003 - 07:25 AM[addsig]


Hahaa where did that come from tug?? i guess I'd like to see a playboy and jeep collaboration (chicks dig jeeps) haha jk that would be a little corny[addsig]

Wow man 70's flash back I guess. I was just reading the post about some chick singer Celion in a car ad then I wound up here. Oh well still a good question I guess. hehehehe Sorry folks. tug :lol: :p :lol: [addsig]