Hi Everyone!


New member
Just wanted to pop in and say, "Hi." Home is in the Pacific Northwest. Just joined Jeepz a few days ago. So far, so good. Seems like a great group of folks, and great discussions. Joined the Jeep community about two years ago. Just after my family begged me to stop riding motorcycles. Lol. I found a nice little red 97 TJ growing moss in a field. Really, I'm not kidding. Lol. Now I spend my time taking it apart, and putting it back together again. Recently pulled her back down to stock, in contemplation of her next assignment. I'd really like one of those RE SuperFlex Kits, but gonna have to pinch the pennies a while before that happens. I'm also a vendor. Don't worry, I'm not going to try to convert you. Unless its absolutely necessary :lol: Looking forward to posting up some good maintenance and mod threads in the future. Well, that's my spiel, and I'm sticking to it. See you guy's and gal's on the boards.
NO KA OI !! haha, i just know a few. I really don't speak it. One of my good friends in Las Vegas is from Samoa. Po'o nu'y. LOL.
NO KA OI !! haha, i just know a few. I really don't speak it. One of my good friends in Las Vegas is from Samoa. Po'o nu'y. LOL.

No worries Brah!!! Most of the words are beginning to leave my mind now. Unless you get me around a couple locals. Then look out, all grasp of the English language is history. Lol.