Hey how old is everyone in here?

yes Moabe we do..........but i'm proud to be 35 because I can keep up with the best of them....age shouldn't matter on this website.....the common thing is JEEPSSSSSSSSSSSS

NJJeepGirl said:
yes Moabe we do..........but i'm proud to be 35 because I can keep up with the best of them....age shouldn't matter on this website.....the common thing is JEEPSSSSSSSSSSSS

I DONT KNOW ABOUT DAT....but you are right, age doesnt matter, its looks that realllly count? :P
NJJeepGirl said:
no that doesnt matter either.......its what's inside that counts. :) some people have it and some don't.

whats inside???? have you ever loooked across a crowded restraunt at some freckle faced big nosed fat bald guy and think, he loooks sensitive, i could see myself on a beach in cancun with him??? :roll:
NJJeepGirl said:
you need help moabe.............too much time on your hands

i have help...i have a shrink....and every session, he tells me HIS problems..... :P

YOU think maybe its ME, and not society??
Help Everyone with their Cable Prices.

Moabe: Be cool man. Everyone here is nice to eachother. So relax bro. :lol:

Besides it takes more energy to be mad and angry, and I don't know about you but I'm pretty lazy. :wink:

It takes over 40 muscles to frown at someone . . . but only 8 to slap them to the ground