TwistedCopper said:If I never see another statistic in my lifetime I would be contentmingez said:interesting. :?
73% of the people polled agree with you! :lol:
TwistedCopper said:If I never see another statistic in my lifetime I would be contentmingez said:interesting. :?
TwistedCopper said:If I never see another statistic in my lifetime I would be contentmingez said:interesting. :?
mingez said:Here we go again :lol: And this isn't meant to sway anyone, I just thought this was intersting. And as TC said, Stats are like a holes, everybody has one, and everyone can find a stat to back up their agenda.
But, everybody talks about how crime rates are going down in the US and going up everywhere else. Let's shed some prespective on that statement.
Every developed nation has considerably lower numbers of murders than we.
Check this out:
That's per capita.
here are the totals:
49 murders in Norway?
58 in Denmark?
637 in Japan?
12,658 in the US. Our nearest competitor in this illustrious category was South Korea at 4 times less per capita.
At the numbers we have, there's really nowhere to go but down...
But in overall Crime, all categories considered, we're doing better than many think.
I guess when we yankees commit crimes, we go big.
Denmark, who had the least amount of murders percapita also has the highest over all crime rate.
....interesting. :?
Numbers must consider whether or not the crime gets reported, but developed nations are pretty consistant. Still interesting.
Tug-n-pull said:mingez said:Here we go again :lol: And this isn't meant to sway anyone, I just thought this was intersting. And as TC said, Stats are like a holes, everybody has one, and everyone can find a stat to back up their agenda.
But, everybody talks about how crime rates are going down in the US and going up everywhere else. Let's shed some prespective on that statement.
Every developed nation has considerably lower numbers of murders than we.
Check this out:
That's per capita.
here are the totals:
49 murders in Norway?
58 in Denmark?
637 in Japan?
12,658 in the US. Our nearest competitor in this illustrious category was South Korea at 4 times less per capita.
At the numbers we have, there's really nowhere to go but down...
But in overall Crime, all categories considered, we're doing better than many think.
I guess when we yankees commit crimes, we go big.
Denmark, who had the least amount of murders percapita also has the highest over all crime rate.
....interesting. :?
Numbers must consider whether or not the crime gets reported, but developed nations are pretty consistant. Still interesting.
so what this tells me is don't do anything stupid in the USA or you might just get you butt shot off! hehehe Still proud to an American, Christian, hetrosexual, pro gun, southern good ol boy with strong convictions against politicaly correctness, and the goverment intervention on my basic rights afforded me by the brave men and women that have served in our nations defence to keep me free. So thanks for pointing out that we are the kind of folks that need to watch our P's and Q's when out and about cause there are folks that will shoot you.
mingez said:Let me preface this by saying: I own a gun, and like guns. I don't want to ban guns, and see no reason for it. And lastly, I agree with most of what has been said for and against on this thread
Axel Rose said:You can't trust freedom when it's not in your hands...
Tug-n-pull said:Still proud to an American, Christian, hetrosexual, pro gun, southern good ol boy with strong convictions against politicaly correctness, and the goverment intervention on my basic rights afforded me by the brave men and women that have served in our nations defence to keep me free.
we really need a new political party in this country
jeep90 said:we really need a new political party in this country
Jeepster05 said:just wait till deer hunters hear about this. I can see it now, a guy in a camo with an M60 goin to town on a 8 pointer!!!! Git-R-done
Tug-n-pull said:Mingez You did mis read my post I am and was not calling you out! Just was a great post you had and I felt informed by it! Your are welcome what I was saying was gald to be in America with all the guns and all the killing and all the political problems and all the other crap that we are so well known for! Golly Ned I would not even give up Road Island for Norway or any of the rest of the countrys stated where they dont seem to want to kill each other! RI refference was a size thing only I have no problems with the little state so I dont get blasted by some one from there! Far as the new political party deal goes heck fire boys and girls just think of a name for the party and I am sure we could find some one here at jeepz strange enough to run on the ticket! tug
OLD POST, I KNOW, I'M SORRY but....jeep90 said:we really need a new political party in this country
Some pretty Important American Leaders who knew their stuff said:A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.