New member
Gone&DoneIt said:Nope,... tryinjg to convince them to come on down and Party!!
Come down and stay awhile but leave your liberalism there.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Gone&DoneIt said:Nope,... tryinjg to convince them to come on down and Party!!
Gone&DoneIt said:I don't think either extreeme is correct. People love to quote what the founding fathers did or didn't intend as if in some way it lends creedance to their side of an argument. Truth be told the founding fathers probably wouldn't have a clue how to run this America. The ACLU has done some wonderful things in its history. So did Hitler. The belief in a Supreme Being has been the inspiration for the butchering of millions of dissidents. Oh yea, and those great W.W.J.D. braclets. There isn't a conspiracy to overthrow Christian America, rather what you are seeing is the gradual changing of the gaurd which has happened in other nations for hundreds of years. Look at France, Spain, Europe, the middle east. We are a very young country, in the grand scheme of things. Growing pains are an absolute.
Don't worry, the Christian fabric of America won't be destroyed by the ACLU or Darwinism, or even Girls Gone Wild, or any other movement. It will just change and adapt, as it has since it's birth 2000 years ago when the first chocolate rabbit laid the first painted egg.
And oh Yea,... Superman has converted in the new movie. He's now Canadian!!!!!
as·tute (ə-stūt', ə-styūt') - Having or showing shrewdness and discernment, especially with respect to one's own concerns.mingez said:A very astute post.
Gone&DoneIt said:For what it is worth, I have never seen documentiation of his membership either, however I have seen photographs of him in Lodge wearing Masonic garb.
TwistedCopper said:...If we better followed their plan today we would not have so many problems like government spending, poor foreign policy, and unfair taxation (and without representation in Washington, D.C...
TwistedCopper said:Yes, many try to twist truths or use short quips while selectively omitting important details, but anyone who is well studied in US history will tell you their purposes were clear.
OutOfStep said:Proof that the Mason's rule the world as permament photographs weren't invented until the mid 1800's![]()
TwistedCopper said:What I maintain is that there is a strong liberal influence amongst NEA educators and college professors. Read some NEA publications and you will see. It is overwhelmingly evident. They are willing to re-write history rather than tell a truth that may not be appealing to them.
OutOfStep said:Proof that the Mason's rule the world as permament photographs weren't invented until the mid 1800's![]()
90Xjay said:I can't prove he was a mason either, but that time I got to meet him, he did give me the secret handshake and the distress stance as a signal.![]()
WHile although I really don't like to consider myself "religious", I definately lean towards the right. At least I did, but the right doesn't seem so right of center anymore. Politically, I guess I am with the majority of the country in the "disgusted with all of them" catagory.Gone&DoneIt said:As I thought about this entire string I realized something though. I am very glad you have such conviction Twisted. It is your faith, and others like yourself, that will ensure the country doesn't swing too far from the moral bedrock we as a country are rooted in. I am man of faith, but all too often I find myself arguing the other side of religious discussions to add a measure of common sense and fairness. I realized today that if I, and others like me, are successful in "curtailing" the fervor of the religious right, then all we will really be doing is undermining the balance that is so essential to the wellbeing of this country. Thanks.
Who would have thought one would have a philosophy altering moment on a board about jeeps, mud and rocks!!
Gone&DoneIt said:I realized today that if I, and others like me, are successful in "curtailing" the fervor of the religious right, then all we will really be doing is undermining the balance that is so essential to the wellbeing of this country.
OutOfStep said:Or would your ceasing to debate undermine the balance? :lol:
mingez said:I beg to differ with that one. Many folks "Well studied" in US history will give you conflicting reports on every detail of history. Mostly because history itself is flawed!
mingez said:The only thing we can all be sure of is that history is always inaccurate, in both directions.
From there it's a matter of picking the side you want to believe.
Good thing no one made that claimSparky-Watts said:From here:
To here:
I must say that this is the most accurate post so far in this thread. Anyone who claims that history is accurate is far from "well studied" in US History. Quite the contrary, they are most likely only "well studied" in the bits and pieces of US History that they choose to support their own beliefs. I agree with Mingez, History is not now, and never will be, an exact science, no matter who writes it, nor who reads it.
mingez said:Dang, and I thought Mud and Tug were the oldest Jeeperz on this board. :lol:
TwistedCopper said:Good thing no one made that claim![]()
90Xjay said:I hope you are not disputing my account of meeting him!!:urple:
TwistedCopper said:The founding fathers went about their task in laying a foundation for our Country and our government in a manner that clearly did not leave question as to their intent...anyone who is well studied in US history will tell you their purposes were clear.
TwistedCopper said:Self-government, avoiding taxation without representation, Life, Liberty, Pursuit of happiness...
you know...
all that stuff...![]()