Helps please?


New member
Anyone else have the problem of someone stealing parts off their Jeeps? My husband is military and Noir is our only vehicle atm, so he drives her to work. Some guy on Post is stealing parts off of her. First it was just a hose or a wire, then he tried to steal our starter ( must have got caught or something because he didn't finish removing it..) and now he has stolen our Gas Cap... !!! He isn't even being sneaky about it anymore. Doing it in broad daylight and now leaving the hood open..? We don't exactly have the money to get all the locking stuff with the baby on the way and moving her to another parking lot won't help. (she kinda stands out being the only rhino liner painted jeep wrangler in Colorado Springs...) What can I do? We have filed police reports on Post and off. The MP's are now patroling the parking lots but this guy doesn't seem to care....Help please???

Where is he parking? The C.O. Wont allow him to park in a spot it can be seen by someone in the unit all day long? The base is supposed to replace stuff that is getting stolen from your vehicle if its happening on base. We had the same type of issue here at naval airstation corpus christi and the gov replaced everyone's stuff. It took awhile but they paid for it all
This guy is a bold SOB.:shock: I don't think the fake lite would deter this guy although I have one and love it. If it can't be parked in plain sight where someone can see it you may have to invest in a real alarm.

I'm not military, but I thought that a soldier getting caught stealing on base would be pretty detrimental to your career (as in worse than getting caught as a civilian).
Bad Deal. Park the Jeep in front of the C.O's. office. Check in with MPs upon arrival. Padlock the hood. US Mil. must replace stolen parts/vehicle. See this:

How old are you and your husband? I'll replace Jeep parts if you do not get satisfaction from the C.O. Office or up the chain.

I've had to deal with that in some countries but seldom since I sleep under VEX in so many places as it is more comfortable anyway.

Suggestion: Repaint Jeep Cummins Diesel tan (mil. tan) with fake mil. markings. They/he won't steal off a mil. rig.

Keep us updated on this please.


You can make your own alarm fairly easy.All you need is a relay a couple switches for the hood and doors and some wiring.Then you just put a on/off switch hidden outside the Jeep for you to turn it on and off.
I'm sorry to hear about this. It is frustrating enough when something brakes, knowing someone is maliciously taking parts really kicks you in the nads.
Consider disabling the vehicle so it is not completely stolen. Simply removing the clutch bypass fuse in the glovebox fuse block keeps automatics from starting. Or add a switch to the clutch switch ground wire will do the same for a manual.
You can make your own alarm fairly easy.All you need is a relay a couple switches for the hood and doors and some wiring.Then you just put a on/off switch hidden outside the Jeep for you to turn it on and off.
Agree it could be as simple as a horn wired directly to the battery pos thru a tip switch mounted on the hood to a switch inside the vehicle to ground. Switch it off when not used or driving then on when parked. Once the hood is tipped or the vehicle is tipped the alarm/horn sounds.

Agree it could be as simple as a horn wired directly to the battery pos thru a tip switch mounted on the hood to a switch inside the vehicle to ground. Switch it off when not used or driving then on when parked. Once the hood is tipped or the vehicle is tipped the alarm/horn sounds.

I did it for a friend.Got 5 switches,1 relay,I have wire all ready.Took about 2 hours.A switch for each door,the rear door and the hood.Used the relay to the horn.Cost was under $30.Since we switched the doors we put the kill switch inside the front bumper.