Help Everyone with their Cable Prices.


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I had to mark out a little of this stuff. Help keep your Own cable prices down . . . Read on
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This affects ALL Cable customers.

Over the past few weeks, the rising cost of sports programming has been debated in the national media, as well as in some of our local markets.

In a nutshell, we take issue with some of the sports programming networks, such as ESPN and Fox Sports, raising their wholesale prices as much as 35 percent a year. This is unconscionable. We work hard to minimize the impact of wholesale cost increases to our customers, which is why we’re taking a stand against ESPN and Fox Sports.

I am a reluctant warrior, but at ***************, we pride ourselves on doing the right thing for our customers. We’re asking ESPN and Fox Sports simply to price their networks reasonably, so we can continue delivering these channels at reasonable prices to all of our customers. If the networks refuse, *************** wants the ability to place them on an optional tier - but only as a last resort. And if the networks won’t agree to these terms, they may refuse to let us carry their programming. That’s certainly not what we want, but the rapid and unrestrained rise of sports programming costs is threatening the value of cable television for American consumers. I cannot in good conscience allow that to happen.

This morning, ESPN attempted to defend their pricing at a press conference that aired on C-SPAN3. This press conference clearly was a diversionary tactic to deflect attention from their unreasonable requests and was full of information that was just plain inaccurate. We were pleased that the resulting questions from reporters all echoed our skepticism toward their approach.

Today we launched an educational web site called It explains this issue in greater detail, and allows our customers to tell us, their legislators - and ESPN and Fox Sports - where they stand on this issue. Please share it with your family, friends, neighbors and, especially, customers. It gives them the chance to speak out. Clearly these excessive increases for sports networks are disproportionate to the economic reality of the world today. If we raised our rates 20 percent a year like ESPN, what do you think our customers would say?

Thank you for your help in explaining this complex issue to our customers. I anticipate you will be hearing much more about this topic in the coming weeks, especially when the United States General Accounting Office releases its pending report on cable pricing. I encourage you to visit

*************** (The big Guy)