Hello Jeepers!


New member
RE: Warning NOT for those that don

Holy cow I'm home. I had a fantastic marvelous time but I missed everyone at home dearly. I am so glad to be on US soil again, I don't think I've ever appreciated it so much but after 15 days with practically no contact back to the states I'm real happy!

I learned so much about the european area of the world! I felt like a child half the time and an idiot the rest. Nothing is the same as in the US, NOTHING! lol

My favorite cities were London, England and Edinburgh, Scotland respectivly. London is just so damn old world and romantic and full of diversity. I need a week just there to scope it all out and take it in. Edinburgh was just awesome too, lots of culture and the streets were packed with people, it reminded me of pictures of new york city. I loved it there for the scottish ancestry pride, that is where my maiden family is from so I got alot of nice clan stuff to bring home. I visited the castle there and that was fun. I did a ton of sightseeing all over and must have walked fifty miles in two weeks. I ruined two peices of luggage tramping all over the country too. lol

Well I will have pictures online sometime this week. I took three hundred of them!

Anyway, just thought I'd tell my jeepz buddies I'm back! Thanks for the warm send off a couple of weeks ago! It's so good to be back home.


RE: Warning NOT for those that don

Lady! Glad you enjoyed the trip., I knew you would... I know what you mean about things being totally different over there, it's like nothing that we know over here... Welcome back :)

RE: Ran out of Gas

Welcome back! Great to hear you enjoyed it.

RE: jeep meanings vid

Good to have you back! I finally had the time to look through the pics. I guess you are "cultured" now :lol: