heat help


New member

I have a 98 TJ and installed a 160' thermostat because JET recomended it with their chip. I did run the chip for 6 months with the stock 195' thermostat and never really noticed a difference in power. Now that I recently had to change my radiator, I decided to put in a 160 and have noticed a considerable difference in performance. My problem now is that in extreme cold like around zero to even below I don't get the heat like I used to. Is there a quick fix for this? like block half the radiator with cardboard or something else that is more cosmetic? What about an additional electric type heater? any ideas out there?[addsig]


i would get a larger heater core they arent hard to find but if you woried about cosmetic work get a electric fan and get rid of the manual drive fan the electric fan will also give you more hp, and untill it gets hot dont flip the switch, I put one in my 91 for off road purposes but it also speeds things up alot in the morning when its like below freezing, they are kinda pricy i dont have a quadratec book around but thats where i got mine love it but instead of doing a thermostat clutch engage i just hard wired it to a switch hope this helps
