Happy 4th of July


Staff member
I'd like to wish everyone in the US a happy fourth. I hope we can take some time to spend with family and remember the sacrifices others have made, that afford us the comfortable lives we live.

I agree Terry, and to those of our brothers and Sisters serving past present and future,Thank You!!
thank you veterans both retired and active, and here's to the families who have lost and those who are awaiting the return of their loved ones. Happy 4th
and thanks to all the public safety who help keep us safe

hope ya'll had a good time for the 4th. we had a blast at the frio river fishing and swimming.

here is what i was teaching the kids to catch. they caught 4 or 5 little eight inch bass and some perch sunday afternoon and monday morning. they were learning to cast and how to remove the hook once you catch the fish. they were wading in the river and casting up stream along the banks and practicing reeling and wiggling the little plastic worms


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