Coming from the guy that looks like he puts out fires with face. :lol:You're already ugly enough.
grab like two friends and some cardboard boxes cut 'em up and paint 'em so you can all goes as a differnt tetris pieces.
I seen it on the internet a few years back...easy, fast and cheap.
grab like two friends and some cardboard boxes cut 'em up and paint 'em so you can all goes as a differnt tetris pieces.
I seen it on the internet a few years back...easy, fast and cheap.
Coming from the guy that looks like he puts out fires with face. :lol:
Coming from the guy that looks like he puts out fires with face. :lol:
LOL... Nah, that's too wordy.If your gonna use that put-down use it right.:evil:
you should have written:
"coming from the guy whose face caught fire and someone put it out with a pick axe"
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
LOL... Nah, that's too wordy.
Next time I'll really insult him and call him a "Texan." Oooo now that's LOW!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ahhh yes. Good 'ole "Nelly". She was a purdy one. :lol: :shock: :lol:whatch it or I'll bring up that whole thing about you and the horse again!:lol:
Ahhh yes. Good 'ole "Nelly". She was a purdy one. :lol: :shock: :lol: