halloween costume ideas


New member
hey guys, I was planning to wear my scrubs for a costume this year, but I'm thinking that's kind of a cop-out. So, I'm hoping you all can give me some good last minute ideas. It's for this friday and saturday.

grab like two friends and some cardboard boxes cut 'em up and paint 'em so you can all goes as a differnt tetris pieces.

I seen it on the internet a few years back...easy, fast and cheap.
grab like two friends and some cardboard boxes cut 'em up and paint 'em so you can all goes as a differnt tetris pieces.

I seen it on the internet a few years back...easy, fast and cheap.

That's not bad... hmmm... any other ideas?
Oooh!! I know!! You could go as a Japanese Mexican!!
:o :-| :(
Oh, wait...........
Never mind........:redface:

You could wear a Pink and White striped suit, hang some tassles off a pink hat, and go as a Surrey!!:lol: :lol: :lol:

A friend of mine made up a box to look like a bedroom nightstand. COmplete with alarm clock and a lamp shade to put over his head. He drew some drawers on it and put some handles on it. On the back he put a big sign that said he was a "One Night Stand". He got lots of attention at the party to be sure!
one year we glued some of those individual sized cereal boxes on my friends sweatshirt, stuck each box with a plastic knife and some fake blood and she went as a cereal killer.

grab like two friends and some cardboard boxes cut 'em up and paint 'em so you can all goes as a differnt tetris pieces.

I seen it on the internet a few years back...easy, fast and cheap.

Wow, that's a coincidence, a bunch of my friends and I are doing that this year... my soon-to-be -wife thought of it... We have enough people to be the Line, the "L" (that's me) the box, the "T", and the zig zag. I'm gonna add a little bit to it, carry around a stereo with Tetris music blasting! It's gonna be great, there will be pics.
Coming from the guy that looks like he puts out fires with face. :lol:

If your gonna use that put-down use it right.:evil:

you should have written:

"coming from the guy whose face caught fire and someone put it out with a pick axe"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well I think you should put on the nicest bizz suit you have.. grab a breif case and go as a low life lawer... now that would be scary!
If your gonna use that put-down use it right.:evil:

you should have written:

"coming from the guy whose face caught fire and someone put it out with a pick axe"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
LOL... Nah, that's too wordy.
Next time I'll really insult him and call him a "Texan." Oooo now that's LOW!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

LOL... Nah, that's too wordy.
Next time I'll really insult him and call him a "Texan." Oooo now that's LOW!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

whatch it or I'll bring up that whole thing about you and the horse again!:lol:

Rember karate kid? go as a shower...you can make that one in a night