Chayse you would have been better off not breathing a word of this to your insurance co. Its hard to tell from pics I know, but most of the guys I know that have either wrecked their jeeps or got body damage on the trail have used it as an excuse to do upgrades. You'd be better off fixing it yourself as you can afford it. new fenders, maybe tube fenders, etc. I don't know how hard you hit the pole. could the frame possibly be bent?? Your insurance company may nail your butt to the wall on this by raising your rates sky high and put you in a high risk if you aren't already because of your age. I don't know where you were at and I'm sure it depends on what road you were on but what caused you to swerve after the water cleared your windshield? Was it just because you saw that you were on the wrong side of the road or was there traffic coming at you? Either way I guess it doesn't matter now, what matters is that you are okay. No harm in having some fun, I splash in puddles myself but please be careful. Now I'm gonna sound like your Mom, but did you go to the hospital to get checked out?