Got the jeep stuck real good


New member
Last weekend i took the jeep over to my buddies house down by the river side and got it stuck for like 2 hours till he got the Fj to pull me out. I think its time for a winch.
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I need to work on my lines...


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Did this in the desert outside Abu Dhabi

stuck jeep.JPG
I dont get stuck often but when I do, I do it with Style. I was mocked and was told it was the Jeep's revenge as I was wearing a Land Rover "T" shirt and cap at the time.

Saurian Sez...

Very nice "stuck"!

Was this, perhaps, one of those end of the day, let's go out for one last run before we go home things? For me, it seems that either, I'm the one stuck, or more often, I'm there with the one stuck, where it happens right before everyone's "going home", on the "last run", and you end up being there for a good couple hours, with the sun setting upon you finally pulling the Jeep out.
For us it's generally when you try to squeeze in one more trail at the end of the day, either a bad stuck or a bad break.
Yeap, I guess we've all been there. I remember about a month ago, It came a monsterous thunderstorm and to me there's just somthing FUN about getting out in the jeep and runnin around when it's pouring down the rain. Anyways, Went out to the woods behind the house for a quick run of the trail, long story short, the big dirt hump I was heading over was pretty greasy and slide me sidways and got me high sided on the belly skid. All 4 wheels were barely touching and I was screwed. Bad enough, I had my good shoes and clothes on and it was raining hard enough to beat the paint off. Had to wait about 45 minutes for my dad to come and help me out. LOL!!! Wanting to ge a winch soon.

Sorry for high jacking the post. It just seemed fitting with all this talk about gettin stuck when we least expect it.

I don't know but that tow chain in the second pic will get somebody killed real good.