Good Places for Hi-Lift Jacks..

I know this is abuot where to muont the jack, If you do mount it out side heres a tip I read in a mag. My jack was mounted outside the jeep and I hadn't used it for about a year. Will when I needed it, it was all locked up. :xThe mag said to pour a soda like a coke or pepsi allover the pins and springs and such. Before you knew it I was in business.
When I do an oil change, I pour a little old oil over the jack. I have had my hi-lift for about 15 years, still works great.

Coke will eat rust, glad your drinking it huh.
No rust, and secure!


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I did the fence posr across the rear bars in my tj.also allowed me to use a chain around the roll bar and a lock to make sure it doesnt leave the jeep.Only problem i run into with it is mt soft top wont lay perfectly flat in the back,but not really a problem with quick discontect now it easier to remove the whole top.
Hi, look Trocko accessories


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I used to carry highlift jacks on the out side of the Jeep. Everytime I would go to use it it was froze. If I would oil it, the oil simply collected dirt and it would freeze up. So what I ended up doing was to get a bottle jack in a plastic case. In would get a plastic case for the highlift but it cost too much. So I gave one away (highlift) and the other two are floating around here somewhere.