Good American Company?

RE: Do you heat with firewood?

You know what's nice about all of us, debates, discussion, agree or disagree...We can all find common ground in our deep disdain for the French. Ahhhh....warms the heart. :wink: :lol: :twisted:

Seriously folks, IS Target French owned?
cj7 trannies: T5, World Class T5, gearing

mingez said:
........Seriously folks, IS Target French owned?

I'm afraid it is, Mingez ('tho I don't know that from personal experience, just hearsay). We pronounce it "Targier" (something like "tarziay")......... stinkin' French!! Sav wa fair - SPELL IT LIKE IT SOUNDS!!!!!!!! (As if our language is any better :shock: ). I wonder if they have a word for "y'uns"???..................or "wallered"????? :lol: :lol: :lol:
RE: Re: cj7 trannies: T5, World Class T5, gearing

Well, I always thought that everyone pronounced it "Tarziay" because it was a tongue in cheek that they carry more "upscale" product than Wal Mart and Kmart. French pronounciation indicating "higher end". If so then ptuey on Target.

RE: Re: RE:

So is BF Goodrich, but many of their tires are made here and they employ alot of Americans. Still they are french-owned, which brought my tire choices between Goodyear and Cooper. I read in the paper that Cooper is now going to build a plant overseas :evil:
RE: Re: RE: Do you heat with firewood?

TwistedCopper said:
I do buy American cars however, and I will admit that the Japanese and German autos have had better reputations since the early 1980's. The US automobiles are getting better if not as good at this point (yes I know this is due to the pressure from the foriegn ones). I have bought them knowing that they are not as reliable, but this does not mean that they were not good quality cars. I have, however steered clear (pun intended :roll: ) of the ones with bad reputations. In this case I am not spending any extra money as the American cars have been becoming the less expensive choice.

I would be more inclined to believe that your "american" cars are going up in quality due to the fact that many of the parts are manufactured overseas. Yes, it may have been assembled in Detroit (or wherever) but where did the components come from? Perfect example: Ford had one hell of a problem with the Ranger pickup - so they made a deal with Mazda - the Ranger is now a re-labeled B-series Mazda pickup! And I tell you - that Mazda B-series (assembled in Edison, NJ with union labor) was one of the best trucks I have ever driven.
mingez said:
You know what's nice about all of us, debates, discussion, agree or disagree...We can all find common ground in our deep disdain for the French. Ahhhh....warms the heart. :wink: :lol: :twisted:

Seriously folks, IS Target French owned?

No no and no. Another rumour creeping around the internet.

The Target Corporation (which now also includes the Mervyn's and Marshall Field's chains of department stores) is a publicly held U.S. firm which has been based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, since it began as the Dayton Dry Goods Company in 1902. Target is not now, nor has it ever been, foreign-owned.


And thanks Mingez. I put that link in my sig a long time ago but haven't even mentioned it, I don't think, until this thread. I didn't want to force it on anyone or for people to think that it is my great 'cause' but it's just how I feel and if others want to read it and consider it, great. I can see both sides of most issues and don't hold anything against anyone that doesn't agree with me. That's part of what makes this country so damn great. You can shop at WM all day long if you want. I'm not going to and the reasons are stated in the link. And that is partially because of 'Buy American' but mostly for their business practices.

But I do also support American products when possible unless it's junk. All it takes is seeing if there is a quality option at a comparable price.

RE: Regarding the Site...

What about the ownership of Ebay?

Based in California, but didn't it start in Europe?

Just curious, I buy and sell on Ebay a good bit.
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Do you heat with firewood?

My router is being stupid, not letting me read the middle pages of this post, but here's my 2 cents regarding American companies...

I try my best to support 'em whenever possible. To a deeper extent, the companies of Michigan (whose legislature seems lately, for starters, that the way to save money is to close down it's northern parks and facilities during the winter months, which not only do we have 5 months of winter, but people go up north for the snow season too, and visit said places, I figure our economy needs all the help it can get) Sorry, tangent, I feel very strongly about the state of affairs my state is in. Anyway... If it means spending a little extra, I'll go for it... Pioneer Sugar, made in Saginaw... Everfresh Juices, made in Warren, Faygo Cola, made in Detroit, Hungry Howies Pizza, headquartered in my little Madison Heights, Spartan Foods, in Grand Rapids, Kellogg's Cereal, of Battle Creek... Now, in this consumer society that we live in, I too, unfortunately, do not have the time, money, or energy to research every purchase I make, and make sure that it is made in the US... Sometimes, it's just not possible... My Jeep, for example, was made by a German car company, assembled in Toledo, Ohio, of parts from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and Japan... What does one consider that?

Don't know where I'm going with that one, but how about I end with this...

Don't just buy U.S... Buy Michigan!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
RE: Can you still find these in stores?

Target might not be french, but in my book they might as well be...... The salvation army is one of the few charities left that really uses the donations to help people instead of using all the money for more fund raising and expansion (like unicef, united way, etc). I remember the fundraisers we did for unicef when I was in elementary school. My parents used to get pretty upset that the school was sending us home to collect money when 90% of that money was going to salaries and more fund raising.

south442 said:
mingez said:
You know what's nice about all of us, debates, discussion, agree or disagree...We can all find common ground in our deep disdain for the French. Ahhhh....warms the heart. :wink: :lol: :twisted:

Seriously folks, IS Target French owned?

No no and no. Another rumour creeping around the internet.

The Target Corporation (which now also includes the Mervyn's and Marshall Field's chains of department stores) is a publicly held U.S. firm which has been based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, since it began as the Dayton Dry Goods Company in 1902. Target is not now, nor has it ever been, foreign-owned.

Thanks South, I did some research after the post and found that out for myself. And it's a good thing, I'd hate to think of all the money I've spent there going to the Frogs.