Good American Company?


New member
you don't see this in their tv ads

It is easy to run in and buy the $27 DVD player, but who is being helped and who is being hurt?

Does cheap products = American job loss?

Some companies that do sell to them have nearly went bankrupt trying to produce the products at the price Wal-Mart demands

Vlasic Pickles, Levi Jeans....

Personally, I am going to start looking for alternatives for the products I buy.

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90Xjay said:
Personally, I am going to start looking for alternatives for the products I buy.

I usually start here: It's a pretty good list of American made products.

I noticed in that article this,
So far, more than 70 per cent of the commodities sold in Wal-Mart are made in China.
To me, that's pretty sad.

Check out the link in my sig. A quote from that site.
"People ask, 'How can it be bad for things to come into the U.S. cheaply? How can it be bad to have a bargain at Wal-Mart?' Sure, it's held inflation down, and it's great to have bargains," says Dobbins. "But you can't buy anything if you're not employed. We are shopping ourselves out of jobs."
Best kind of video camera???

unfortunately "made in america" usually means 3x the price for half the quality, which is why so many companies shop overseas. We're a country of under achievers. The real scary thing is that our economy is stronger than most other countries.. that is the truly sad part of it all. If there was an alternative to Walmart I'd shop there, and do - not that they don't stock stuff not made in the us either. Walmart is just the biggest retailer of overseas goods.

If jobs are going overseas then the people here need to get off their butts and learn a competitive skill, and expect to work hard for their employer, like employees in every other country do, not look for some nice soft, cushy job where they can waste time when the boss isn't looking. I have a relative who works in a coal mine. he spends 80% of his day goofing off in the mine. No wonder US jobs are going overseas.
RE: Re: Good American Company?

graewulf said:
We're a country of under achievers.

Dont lump me in that country you speak of. There are a ton of hard working americans and I count myself as one of them.

Personally, I am going to start looking for alternatives for the products I buy.

I think you're a little late. Everything is made offshore. We are a major supplier for nuke subs and carriers so everything is made in specialty shops and pured in the US. Subs are secretly looking at some forign made stuff and trying it out as retro-fits but I'm not sure how this will turn out. We have to keep a part in existance for 15 years. I couldn't imagin another country doing this. Not sure where this will all lead but it's happening very fast.

Sorry for the gloom and doom.

unfortunately "made in america" usually means 3x the price for half the quality, which is why so many companies shop overseas.

That's not ture. It's just a matter of making mo' money and keep stock holders happy. At our China facility for commercial parts, we pay them $5.00 per day.
RE: Best kind of video camera???

graewulf said:
unfortunately "made in america" usually means 3x the price for half the quality, which is why so many companies shop overseas. We're a country of under achievers. The real scary thing is that our economy is stronger than most other countries.. that is the truly sad part of it all. If there was an alternative to Walmart I'd shop there, and do - not that they don't stock stuff not made in the us either. Walmart is just the biggest retailer of overseas goods.

If jobs are going overseas then the people here need to get off their butts and learn a competitive skill, and expect to work hard for their employer, like employees in every other country do, not look for some nice soft, cushy job where they can waste time when the boss isn't looking. I have a relative who works in a coal mine. he spends 80% of his day goofing off in the mine. No wonder US jobs are going overseas.

I don't know where to begin to dismantle that post, but I will say that in addition to being full of un-truths it is rather unpatriotic. Sure there are people like that here, as most other industrialized nations, but to make a blanket statement that it is the standard for our country is false and insulting to a hard working blue collar guy like myself.

The never-ending search for corporations to cut costs (at any cost) is the real problem here. How can you compare an american worker to a 10 year old in a sweatshop? I buy products made in the US as often as possible and yes sometimes I pay more, but I do get better quality products most of the time.

Goodyear tires, redwing shoes, carhartt clothing, the socks I buy at walmart (although I may look to get them elsewhere now), and my Jeep are a few off the top of my head. Tragically, many times there is no domestic option for some of the things I buy and I have no choice. If there is an affordable domestic product I implore all of you to invest in ourselves and do the right thing :!:

[edit] and your cousin is one man. I have never held a job that anyone could act like that and remain employed.

[edit #2] Check into the European workers' average work week. Opps, bad comparison, they have labor laws too :roll:
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: For the electrical experts...Christmas L

"If Wal-Mart were an individual economy, it would rank as China's eighth-biggest trading partner, ahead of Russia, Australia and Canada," Xu said.

Nice :roll:

Insiders point out Wal-Mart's imports from China have largely influenced the US trade deficit in China, which is expected to reach US$150 billion this year.

even nicer :shock:

TwistedCopper said:
and my Jeep are a few off the top of my head.

Interesting... are you sure that your Jeep was made in America? I have a 1995 Grand Cherokee... you want to know where it was manufactured? Go ahead.. take a guess.... And, no it was not made in America...... It was made in .......................................


judge09 said:
graewulf said:
We're a country of under achievers.

Dont lump me in that country you speak of. There are a ton of hard working americans and I count myself as one of them.

I never said there weren't hard workking americans... but there are quite a few that are not hard working... more than you would think...
TwistedCopper said:
[edit] and your cousin is one man. I have never held a job that anyone could act like that and remain employed.

[edit #2] Check into the European workers' average work week. Opps, bad comparison, they have labor laws too :roll:

Join the coalworkers union.. they work an avarage of 15 hours a week and get paid for 40+ - and this is the norm. Once the foreman is out of sight, they turn a 2 hour job into an 8 hour one. Many county workers do the same thing (not all, but many). the list goes on & on.. When was the last time you saw a road crew patching a pothole with less than 3 trucks and 5 guys? it is a 1 maybe 2 man job.... as for European work schedules. They work long hours when they work - they also get an average of a month vacation as a reward for their hard work. In this country if you get more than a week you are definitely way above the norm

Re: RE: Re: Good American Company?

graewulf said:
.............. not look for some nice soft, cushy job where they can waste time when the boss isn't looking. I have a relative who works in a coal mine. he spends 80% of his day goofing off in the mine. ............

Man, you ever been in a coal mine? That's got to be one of the nastiest, most dangerous jobs in the world! Not to mention the Black Lung! I would not dis those guys no matter how many hours they work. I turned down a chance to survey in the mines of eastern Ohio when I was in my 20's......not me, no way, no how!

BTW, South442....interesting reading on your link. For some reason I just thought that was some wierd saying (you know how jeepers are), not a link. I need to re-think my shopping habits.
Re: RE: Re: Good American Company?

****Reaches a ten foot pole into the fray, waves it around and delicately steps back out ****
RE: nsg370

LadyJeepFreak said:
****Reaches a ten foot pole into the fray, waves it around and delicately steps back out ****

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Aw, c'mon!! Give us you 2 cents!!


I am WAY too easygoing to join all of these frays these days. I'd much rather have a margarita or put on some steel drums and not worry about such things! I have enough stress and worry in daily life and know better to get involved in daily debates with people who have such strong opinions on so many topics. I do read them though and occasionally can't help a wise crack! :wink:

LadyJeepFreak said:
Mud............I'd much rather have a margarita or put on some steel drums and not worry about such things!........:wink:


Lady, you're just TOO cool!! Love those steel drums, hate arguing!!! Drink a margie for me :lol: !

Mudman, you have no idea! Today is a GREAT day! Jimmy Buffett released his third novel and it includes a single cd of a new song he just put out. He is reviewed right up there with Hemmingway and Dr. Suess. The top five writers of time for both non fiction and fiction writing. Fantastic day. I don't have the book yet but I do have the single and can't wait to get my book in. I'm raising a toast to Bubba tonight!


Just because your cousin Eddie is a slack-arse, don't catagorize the rest of us with him.

Yeah, those coal workers are really getting over on everyone - living the life of Riley. They sure got it made :roll: .

As for the European workers, on average they work less hours than workers in the US. As for their month vacations, I don't see how that in any way makes them harder or better workers. It just means they are at work less. Most of them also live with a government run health system. Yeah, another great bennie there too.

Have you ever worked with hot asphault on a 90+ degree day? Have you ever had to play football with your kids after spending 40-70 hours a week breathing in coal dust? Have you ever climbed a 70 foot tower and grounded a 138kv power line with no fall arrest system? I've done 2 of the above 3 mentioned and I can tell you for a fact you would not make it through the day without taking breaks. Not everyone tinkers with computers all day.

graewulf said:
I never said there weren't hard workking americans... but there are quite a few that are not hard working... more than you would think...
No, what you said was:
graewulf said:
We're a country of under achievers...

If jobs are going overseas then the people here need to get off their butts and learn a competitive skill, and expect to work hard for their employer, like employees in every other country do, not look for some nice soft, cushy job where they can waste time when the boss isn't looking.
Those statements inferred that for the most part, Americans are lazy, ignorant, unskilled, and live to cheat their employers. That bothers me. There are people like that all over the world, but not the norm in this country.

These corporations like WalMart, Covad, and the like are not sending jobs out of the country because of poor performance, they are doing it because they can pay some impoverished shmuck pennies on the dollar (if that) to work under slave-like conditions without regulations for safety practices, insurances, labor laws, or benefits. The motivation is pure greed and I will avoid buying from them when possible.
I just wanted to say: That I have nothing to say about this. Enter "Gasp" smiley here -----> ____
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: For the electrical experts...Christm

But I agree with the anti-Walmart sentiments. Out.

mingez wrote:
I just wanted to say: That I have nothing to say about this. Enter "Gasp" smiley here ----->

90Xjay dances a carrot in front of Mingez........and laughs an evil laugh...
Come on in Mingez the water is fine :lol: :lol:

I'm gonna get you to break your promise yet :lol:

I know Mingez took an oath to stop debating for awhile, thats cool and Lady's too chill to jump in, cool also.
But I am glad we are at least talking about these issues, because they are real and effect us every day and our future (including our children)
We can choose to not deal with it, which is one choice or we can dialogue
and maybe come up with some ideas together, I prefer the later.

I am so one sided on this thing, here is what pushed my button during the Verteran's Day parade in my hometown.
Nice day, nice parade, alot of patriotic floats and then along comes a few WWII vets that some auto dealer or some bank has honoring them by having them in the float and here they are in the back of a Mitsubishi or Toyota or Honda.

The Jap Zeros that killed their buddies were made by the predecessors of some of these companies.
That just seems wrong to parade a WWII vet in a Japanese car!
I know that many of these have assembly plants here in America, but where to corporate profits go?