George Orwell was only off by 20 years....

dick_wilderness said:
Wow, talk about cynical and paranoid. Are you really afraid of "check cards"?

check cards are good until someone gets your # and zaps your checking account. have fun getting the money back.. credit cards on the other hand, you can fight and they don't have your money yet... not that it matters.. it is inevitible. Until the pope deems them an invasion of the body or other such BS. They can't force you to get one.. but when that is the only way you can ID yourself or make a purchase, you won't have much choice. Its sort of like EZ pass... you either have it or you wait in the long line.

Until the pope deems them an invasion of the body or other such BS.

I, for one, could care less what the pope thinks.

Never took a flu shot, never will. And the only microchips getting planted around here are the ones in my Jeep ("sissy" TJ)
Junkpile said:
Besides if it saves even 1 life would it not be worth it?

That question is responsible for more useless, invasive, and un-American legislation than you could even count. The answer is NO.

Oh how true Junkpile. That ridiculous reasoning has cost us taxpayers millions of dollars that could have been spent better - at least my portion could have :D
Wow, talk about cynical and paranoid. Are you really afraid of "check cards"?

Geeze, Dick_Wilderness, I looked through my post there and could not find the word afraid anywhere.

No I am not "afriad" of any of this I am just aware of it. I actually enjoy almost all of the electronic ways of banking, I even have a social security number and pay income taxes.

A quick re-read of my post will harvest no "cynical" or "paranoid" indications. I just like keeping up with this information and research it quite frequently.

Disappearing water?

mud4feet said:
Until the pope deems them an invasion of the body or other such BS.

I, for one, could care less what the pope thinks.

Same here.. unfortunately, many of our legislators do. Just look at the whole gay marriage argument going on.... It is rediculous, but a reality nonetheless. This should be an interesting debate in congress in a few years, probably will be the hot topic in the next presidential election.
I for one will never get the chip. I believe that we may actually be living in "the end times" and with that you're pretty much guaranteed a life in hell. that's if you believe in the Bible though (which I do). I didn't used to read the Bible until I started reading the Left Behind series. So far there's been 12 books and each one takes me about a day to read. I always have my Bible handy for reference when I'm reading these books. Anyway, not to get us started on the great religion debate, I'd suggest reading those books. If nothing else they are entertaining. This same thing happens in the book though. You either have to have the mark on your forehead or hand and if you don't, you're hunted down and forced to take the mark or killed where you stand.

Marinate on that for a bit!