Gas prices.......


New member
Gas gas gas.Crazy prices of gas.What are the gas prices like out in your area's?For me, a cheap tank of gas is $2.07!And thats for regular 87!The highest I have seen anywhere for 87 was $2.31.I'll bet they hit $3.00 some day.

8) Kinda Rural here, people are poor. $2.50 a gallon would have us all walking! lol Last night I paid $1.60 a gallon for the 87 grade, but I have seen the prices up to $ 1.85 a gallon.

I know in places that have a higher cost of living, the gas is high.

$1.67 was the cheapest I found yesterday. I know it will go higher over the summer but I doubt it'll go over $2 here.
I remember a few years ago when I first started driving, it was $0.99. Now it is $1.5199999 for the cheap stuff. :D

bryanjeep said:
I remember a few years ago when I first started driving, it was $0.99. Now it is $1.5199999 for the cheap stuff. :D

I remember going to the station country store and getting five gallon in the tank of the farm tractor, 2 packs of Winston Cigs for my dad, and haveing a little over a buck for myself. All out of a Five Dollar Bill! How is that for dateing myself.

I could pick up pop bottles along the side of the road while walking to the nearest store 1.3 miles away. Most of you do not even remember deposit on bottles. Nor do you remember when it was common for folks to throw the bottles out of the car when finished drinking them. Well at 2 cents a pc. I could most fdays find up to a dozen or so on the way and that would be 24 cents. with that I could get a thick slice of Crown bologna, two four square large Saltine Crackers and a 16 oz Soft Drink. Or a Candy Bar, Pack of Pnuts and a 16 oz Coke. Eat the candy bar drink a bit of the coke then pour the Pnuts right into the coke. Now that was good! Sorry starten to ramble $1.68 reg. 87 octan. I get 10 MPG in the Surburban. Looks like we need to trade it off for a VW. hehehehe tug
yup, inflation, taxes, the economy, it all adds up. The good news is that in theory, we are getting paid more now, hopefully making it the same as it was back then. Like I have said before, sales tax, and fuel tax and any other taxes that tax everybody accross the board only punish poor people. If you think about it , it can cost a poor person making $20,000 per year $20 a week to get to work. On the same token, it costs somebody that makes $50,000 the sam amount of money to get to work ($20). Who pockets do you think it hurts more?-al
Really we're not doing too bad,

Year Price Per Gallon
1950 $1.91
1955 $1.85
1960 $1.79
1965 $1.68
1970 $1.59
1975 $1.80
1980 $2.59
1985 $1.90
1990 $1.51
1995 $1.28
2001 $1.66
*Prices adjusted for inflation
Source: U.S. DOE

It could be worse:

Global Gas Prices*
(1 gallon=3.8 L)

Most expensive per gallon:

Hong Kong: $5.38
London, England: $5.05
Oslo, Norway: $4.54
Seoul, South Korea: $4.52
Paris, France: $4.28

What really bites hard is that one day it's uber low, then the next it's jumped a mile! I filled up Tuesday at $1.58 and Wednesday it was $1.79! It flexes so much where I am it's mindblowing.
Right now, here, its $1.45gal. for 87octane. this is actually pretty high for the norm. just a week ago it was only $1.30. although i did see it hit $1.90 last summer. If it keeps going up then soon us poor college kids will be forced to walk. :cry:
Sounds like I need to move down south!!!

Gas up here is like $1.69 for 87 at the cheap stations. I've seen it for $1.81!!!! If it keeps going up I think I may be selling my jeep and buying a bike... hahaha :roll:

Gallon of gas in Huntsville, AL $1.69 for 87 Octane
20 oz Coke $1.17
A weekend of trail riding usually costs me over a $100 to fill up both the Jeep and the Suburban. Sub holds 42 gallons, Jeep takes 22.
With all those taxes, you would think there would be no potholes here. Whatever!

1.69 in El Paso.

Kinda makes me wish I lived in an area with public transport. That way, I'd REALLY modify my jeep.
I thought it was funny. Its a gas station down the street :)
LOL, RICH!!! That is funny!

I pay $1.70 give or take a few cents...Joe pays $1.93 for super (93 octane) for the Jetta.